hello everyone , I have been [ for some time ] collecting used aluminium cans for various charitable causes and this time intend to donate to 2 --- 1 of which being thyroid uk ---- I would like to ask if anyone would care to donate 5p [ or more ] for every £1 that I raise for thyroid uk -----by doing so we could maybe double the donation .......the current price is 40p per kilo and I have between 800-1000 kilo's ......I am certain that with all the help that we all gain from this site the funds would be able to help even more of us and to continue to help us as we struggle through this decimating illness with sound advice and superb empathy and to point us in the right direction......if you would like to help with this please contact louise warville at admin she will keep a list .....and I will be posting updates within the next week [ it will take the scrappy at least 3 loads to uplift them ]...... thank you for your undoubted support in this ......alan
ali ali everywhere ???????????: hello everyone... - Thyroid UK
ali ali everywhere ???????????

I'd check other scrap dealers, here we get £500 per tonne, youre losing £100 per tonne at that price. Scrap metal prices fluctuate quite a lot, always make sure your getting the best deal rather than stick at one dealer at a set price.
Sorry cant help you raise money though we have none to spare
hi there suzy , thank you so much for your reply ....... I certainly do check many local dealers prices before collection , but I have to allow for collection costs [ with this one 5-10p per kilo ] ---- but I am still trying to convince him to waive that as he will be completing the cheques for CHARITY ==== I am not known as the haemaroid for nothing ==== please bare in mind the costs to the dealer of collection drivers wages/fuel/ cost of vehicle as well as running costs ...... because there is more chance of finding a jewish pope than myself getting this damn lot to them under my own steam .......and whatsoever is raised is always a bonus ......please don't think about not being able to help on this occasion . I am certain you will if as and when you are able to in the future . alan xxx
just think about taking 5-6 hundred sackfulls !!!!!! [ 98% have not been crushed down ] ----- petrol costs alone let alone the hassle ====== i'm all for a somewhat easier life !!!! .... LoL alan xx
Thanks so much for posting this again Alan. We really appreciate the time and effort that you are putting in to raise money for Thyroid UK and your other very worthwhile charity.
I'm just really sorry that no one appears to be interested in supporting you.
In case anyone is interested - this is how it would work......
So if we work on 800 kilos at 40p that would be £320.00 with £160.00 going to Thyroid UK. You can match this like this....
per £1 Your Donation
It would be wonderful if anyone would consider supporting Alan and Thyroid UK.
Thanks for your time....
Louise Warvill
Charity Secretary
Thyroid UK

I would be interested but l can't do things on the laptop so would have to pay by cheque. Is that alright?
Jo xx
absolutely super Joanna. just send direct to louise [ I will ask her to post the address on this blog ]....LoL alan..xx
Wonderful Jo! Thanks sooooooo much!
Cheques in the post to us at:
Thyroid UK (chq payable to)
32 Darcy Road
St Osyth
Clacton on Sea
CO16 8QF
hi Joanna , just to let you know [ undoubtably louise will ] I have just sent the envelope with the cheque for £216.55 directly to louise at darcy rd .....I know that this will help the good people that man/woman this site for all of us 24/7 to help all of us ====with pride==== thank you for your help in this and hope to missive you soon LoL alan xxx
hi there Joanna , just to let you know the final total of the cheque winging its way to loiuse is ...£216.55 p ----- it took 3 full lorryloads to transport the ali-cans to the scrappy . methinks a job well done . I hope that you will be able to add some to this if you can.......LoL alan xxx
Hi Alan very well done. I will be sending a cheque off to Thyroid UK very soon. Once again, congratulations to you.
Jo xx

Oh you are all so lovely! Thank you so much for your support!
Just starting to pack to come home from Edinburgh. Will be very tired tonight but it was well worth the trip to beautiful Edinburgh and to actually meet the lovely petitioners!
if any thanks are needed it IS from all of us to you people for all that you do 24/7 which is a damn site more than the little that I can do in my small way. I just hope that it has given all of you a little boost ..... I hope you enjoy a nice glass [ or three ] of vino when you finally get home ----its well deserved .......LoL alan
final total £216.55.... cheque on the way [post ] to louise 2morrow morn ....LoL alan
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! This will really help us. Have a good weekend! Lyn x
please do not thank me .... it is us thanking all you that man / woman this site to help all of us .......so happy to help yooos to be able to spread the GOOD KARMA ------you have all earned it ......hope you have a nice cold glass or 2 and enjoy that yooooooo all ARE BEING APPRECIATED -----it has been my absolute pleasure to do the little that I have been able to ....Lol alan xxx
quick update .....2 loads collected approx. 700kgs ---- 1 smaller load to be collected [ tomorrow -fri- ] I will give the final figs tomorrow ] ------watch this space ......alan