AT daughter has been perscribed th... - Thyroid UK

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AT daughter has been perscribed thyroxine .....

rosaann52 profile image
8 Replies

I have just had a phone call from my daughter , she was in floods of she lives 350 miles away it was a bit worrying as I can't just pop round to see what's wrong.....The conversation went like this........"What on earth is the matter darling?"....."I've been perscribed thyroxine....I have to pick-up the perscription this afternoon ....I'm so's been such a struggle to get it.".......You'd have thought she'd won the lottery...but I suppose in some respect she has....why did it take so long for the Doc's to agree she needed it.....she was diagnosed with Hasimoto's, nearley 10mths ago...her TSH levels have been up and down for the past 7 years....her last reading was 7.5......and she has been struggeling to lead a normal busy life of a 34 year old. I just hope she starts to feel better soon...then maybe I'll have one less thing to worry about.....Why do Docotor's put up such a fight not to give 'us' the one thing that makes us feel better and functon a bit more like a 'normal' person. Well at least now she has been put on thyroxine just hope it starts to have some effect soon.Take care all.....

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rosaann52 profile image
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8 Replies
helvon profile image

love and prayers for the road to her recovery xxx

tegz profile image

Good news for your daughter getting much needed treatment at last.

[The right level & type of which can [NB:not 'Will'] be a tricky path to tread, though.

rosaann52 profile image

Thanks for your I well know Tegz....been there done that....and still treading it.....

Stourie profile image

Wishing your daughter all the best

Jo xx

rosaann52 profile image
rosaann52 in reply to Stourie

Thanks she's been so worried over the last few months. I never realise that Hasimotos had so many side effects. The one she's most concerned about is miscarrying as she and her husband are thinking of starting a family....Thanks gain

JanW profile image

I had similar problems to your daughter years ago when I first had thyroid problems. Despite feeling so fatigued and worn down also a bit breathless the doctor I had then just kept saying I was borderline thyroid so wouldn't give me any medication. Finally after two years I woke one morning and couldn't see properly turned out I had thyroid eye disease. It was the start of two terrible years where my eyes watered and bulged so I was embarrassed to go out without sunglasses. It was also the start of being autoimmune which caused many problems - face swelling, loss of many teeth, headaches etc as my immune system turned on me. Thirteen years on things are a little better though my health is very up and down a constant battle with fatigue. I was so low at the time I made no complaint about the doctor who ruined my life for so long and really regret not doing so. I wish your daughter well.

tegz profile image
tegz in reply to JanW

I haven't got on with Levo- but in cases like yours with serious down sides you needed earlier treatment even the less than perfect T4 would have been worth a shot by your GP..

Perhaps today that is more likely to happen [| hope] with pressure from sites like this- but many still have to push to get heard for far too long.

Sounds like you ended up with Hashis.

Have you posted about the slow recovery here?

JanW profile image

No I've not posted about my slow recovery here a bit depressing for others going through it. I started out with both Graves and Hashimoto's Thyroiditis a bit unusual I think as they put me with half a dozen other people in a large medical conference which had doctors from all over the world and video tapped me - and the others about their eye problems made me feel like a freak. From my experience you don't get over thyroid problems you grit your teeth and just get on with it.

After being under attack for many years and going back to the doctors hoping for some sort of cure it slowly dawns you're wasting your time there's not one it's something your body has to go through as mine did until the symptoms finally start to let up and give you a break I would say about a year and a half ago, but they return every few months but I'm an old hand now I can manage it. They did dna on the nucleus of the auto antibodies for lupus and other things which luckily I didn't have. With Graves I was luckier than most ended up with scarring under the eyes but not bulging eyes like many have to live with.

As you say the shame of it is it's still going on for many presenting with thyroid problems to their doctors who from my experience know diddly squat about thyroid problems they're not specialists and have no right to make a call on anyone with thyroid problems they should be passed onto specialist endo's immediately who know what they're talking about.

I just turned 60 thyroid problems like for many have seriously impacted on my life weakened me and given me bad health lucky for me I'm a very optimistic person most of the time I won't allow it to get me down always someone worse off.

If I thought the medical profession could learn from just one persons experience like mine that it would help others it would be a good feeling a great feeling but they won't.

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