I forwarded the link from the MHRA to my GP in the hope that this would enable him to order my T3 from somewhere else:
In the interim they had updated the website information '30 May 2013 - Update : We are informed by Amdipharm Mercury Company Ltd that stocks of Liothyronine 20 mcg Tablets are now available'.
Had a message from my GP on my phone- 'thanks for sending me the link, I am delighted that the supply is now reinstated'.
Went to Lloyds pharmacy who have my prescription. After much waiting and phone calls 'It will be three weeks before we can get this. All Lloyds pharmacies have to use the same supplier. I suggest you ask your doctor for a new prescription and try another pharmacy'.
I have done this by email (at least I have discovered they do read email). Assuming I get a prescription I will try Boots. If that is unsuccessful I will give up and increase my Levo until the supplies of T3 are resumed.
At least it was a sunny evening and I missed my gym class to sit in the garden!