I got my TSH result today from my Dr, and it was a predicatable 1.0
However, she has read what I sent her ( see previous blog with the email I sent about needing 0.3- 0.5) and has actually agreed to let me increase my dose to 75mcg Levo
( previously 50mcg) and have another test in 6 weeks- horrah!!! I was expecting a battle with her to be honest, but she was fine about it!
I asked her about giving me an endo refrerral for the other tests ( FT3 and 4, iron, ferritin etc) and she said she has to ring them for 'advice' and then see if they will agree to test me...which sounds a bit ominous, so am still bearing in mind I might have to go private.
But still- there is a chance that the increase in Levo will do the job, so fingers crossed!
P/S First dose tonight- how long will it take to have an effect? Have been on 50mcg for 12 years.......