i have right sided pain low down in the same place most of the time, sometimes its round the front above pubic area and now and again it goes to the left bu nearly allways low right side, im so worried that its something more than ibs,.
can ibs be on the same side: i have right sided... - IBS Network
can ibs be on the same side

Best advice I can give you is get to your doctors and get all the tests done that eliminate anything more serious than IBS. I was like you worried sick, had umpteen scans carried out, scopes top and bottom, ultra sound scan, loads of blood tests and all negative and was diagnosed with IBS. I don't let IBS run my life, I try and control it as best as I can ie watch what I eat, stopped smoking, cut back on alcohol intake and try and walk at least 2 miles every day! But please go to your doc.
hi james, thanks for replying, yes ive had some tests, they did ultrasound, endoscopy and blood tests but all come back fine, they have also checked hormones put me on bcp to see if that helps, now they have said its got to be gastr related and have to look at having few tests but im frightened to death of having the camera up the bum, ive been told its really painfull,.
I get sharp pains in my right side just above the pubic bone.. it generally is when something is passing through.. it isn't a constant pain, but when I get it it is painful!
I find lying flat on my back and massaging my stomach tends to help a bit.
Make sure your doc has ruled everything else but im pretty sure its just general ibs stuff unfortunately.
Good luck!
Hello, I was told by my therapist for colonic irrigation that if the bowels are blocked, I will feel pain where the block is, and as the digestive track is long and windy, it could be anywhere. Massaging the area is meant to work, but it's also good advice to make sure it's nothing more serious.
hi yes get really sharp pains before bowel movement and then really sore afterwards, specialis thinks that gas is moving into the spaces after bowel movement, as i get lot of gurgling but this constant pain at the minute is just above pubic area and is in centre i didnt know you could get ibs there? also on this mini pill which apparantly isnt high enough dose to stop everything working so im cramping still like on a period and apparantly im too old for combined pill,.
That sounds rubbish, at least though a specialist has seen it. The camera is not too painful, you can barely feel it. Also, I felt great afterwards, the clear out really helped!
Colonoscopy. I was not put out, and I was really worried about it. But it was fine and next time, I will be much calmer. The nurses chatted throughout and it was really informal. the worst part was not being able to eat and having to cook for the children!! Good luck with it.
Timmys77, don't be worried about camera up rear end, I was given an injection of 'something' which didn't knock me out but certainly relaxed me, I had absolutely no pain, in fact I watched the scope on TV screen which the doc was looking at and he 'guided' me through what he was doing so don't be afraid of this! Cheers
Hi there, once everything else has been ruled out have a look at ileo Cecal valve syndrome as your symptoms sound like this. It can be controlled with the help of massage
Do mainstream specialists diagnose this - I've only seen reference to it on Chiropracter websites. I'm really interested in this.
Hi there, I am a colonic therapist and learned the technique while training. Even as a registered nurse I was never taught the significance of the ileo Cecal valve and a lot of doctors don't even seem to know of its existence! I have had many clients who have been prescribed strong pain killers for the pain on their right side with little or no effect. When they came for colonics I have explained the symptoms and shown them how to manipulate this themselves with great effect! If you have a good colonic therapist in your area who is also a registered nurse then it might be well worth a visit.
I second what Therapist says. Check out YouTube for massage techniques. Even if you do this now you could close the valve. Worth a shot...well a massage