I have had intermittent abdominal and bowel issues which have, for want of a better diagnosis, been called intermittent i b s. I have had nothing, however, like I had this past Saturday. On my right side, I had excruciating waves of pain that went on for hours. I finally, after 5 hours, had to call an ambulance and was admitted, put on strong pain medication and an antispasmodic drip. I was much better in the morning though still continue to experience what feels like a stitch in my right side lower abdomen. X-rays, blood work, and an ultrasound showed nothing. Can this "just" be ibs? Has anybody experienced anything like this? I never have before. I was literally writhing in pain for hours.
Can this be ibs?: I have had intermittent... - IBS Network
Can this be ibs?

You will imagine we would be more advance on treating GI issues. I been suffering with abdominal pain for the past two years every day. All labs come out good, nothing shows up. So I got diagnose with Functional Dyspepsia. They say its my anxiety causing it.
Thanks for sharing. It is frustrating. When I ask the doctor what it is after the tests were negative, she just Shrugged her shoulders.
I understand. Its so frustrating, even when the GI doctor does not know or they dont believe the medication is not working. Ill probably try Nortriptolyne again, see if its the anxiety. But the pain is so extremely painful some days.
Is dyspepsia more to do with the stomach? My pain, waves of excruciating pain going on for hours was right side below the belly button
Yup, it sounds almost exactly like my first attack. I believed I was going to die right there on the bathroom floor in nothing but my bra (sorry not an attractive image). I was rushed to A&E was admitted for days on drips and heavy duty painkillers and they never found a cause; although I believe it was triggered by the chemotherapy I was undergoing at the time.
My pet hate is people saying it's "just" IBS. IBS is debilitating, soul destroying and agonising. It dominates your life and in some cases destroys it. I will freely admit I've been nearly suicidal at times with the never ending pain. It's a horrible, under rated and misunderstood disease. Don't fall into the trap of saying its just IBS.
Hi quilt , I’ve been having same pain for few years , I don’t know whether it has something to do with my gallbladder as it’s not working as it’s full of stones , get pain upper right and low right too , I will soon find out as I’m due removal soon x

My pain was below the belly button line. Had previous investigations a year ago for abdominal pain, but nothing like this, they did find that I had gallstones. So, one of my first questions was is it the gallbladder. They said no that that would be higher than the belly button not lower. It's a mystery.
I asked the same question too , got the same answer , but I’m sure the two are linked ! X

Just a thought but localising pain can be difficult for some people - I have interoception problems so it is often difficult for me to pinpoint exactly where it is, I might think it is in one area and really it is more next to / above / below... and depending on what your gut is doing might it not push the gall bladder down a bit or something?
Yes I was thinking it. Could be referred pain from the gallbladder as it’s on same side get awful right lower back pain too 😒

So do I (lower back pain that gets worse at night) - I don't have gall stones but do have gall bladder polyps and was wondering if they were associated with that...
It could well be ! I’m hoping once the gallbladders gone the low right pain will disappear as well as upper right , fingers crossed x
Just want to thank everyone who commented. So glad that this forum exists! Thank you for taking the time to reply to me.