I've had digestive problems all my life. At first it was thought to be a weak pyloric sphincter when I was a baby. As a teenager I was diagnosed with acid reflux. When I was 23, after my second child was born, I started suffering with bad pelvic cramping and lower back pain. I had a laparoscopy aged 25 where they found very mild endometriosis and scaring sticking my ovary to my pelvic wall. Aged 27 I had another lap as the symptoms were still there. They found no endometriosis this time and said although I have adhesions they weren't enough to be causing my pain. I'm now nearly 29 and am having my periods stopped for 6 months at a time by a high progesterone medication as the consultant now thinks I have adenomyosis. The pain associated with my cycle has now decreased but I still get really bad cramps in the low pelvis region.
The IBS symptoms I have are....
Waking very early in the morning to rush to the loo with crazy cramps
Swing between constipation and the opposite nothing in between
Feeling and being sick on a regular basis, sick mainly first thing in the morning
Feeling exhausted constantly
Low mood
Problems sleeping as being woken up by the pain
Constant varying degrees of lower middle and upper back pain
Pain during sex (not sure if this is an IBS issue)
Acid reflux/regurgitation
Trapped wind
Sever bloating that goes from a flat tummy in the morning to looking 5 months pregnant by bed time
I'm not currently taking any IBS medication as the only things that seems to help anything is ranitadine for the heartburn and movelat for when I'm constipated. I've tried peppermint oil capsules and mebeverine.
My GP hasn't been very helpful. I had an endoscopy when I couldn't stop being sick which showed nothing. I'm not really sure how to help myself with this and would love any feedback. Do my symptoms sound like IBS or could it be something else?
Thanks for reading x