Emetophobia and IBS : One of my unfortunate... - IBS Network

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Emetophobia and IBS

Cardiacphysiologist profile image

One of my unfortunate symptoms with my IBS is acid reflux. I had an acid reflux attack on a train a year ago which made me feel panicked as I thought the sensation was needing to vomit so went to the train bathroom and gagged a few times and felt pretty traumatised from that day forward. After this, I couldn’t leave the house without panicking about being sick in public and not having the right facilities. I could barely do anything at this point without carrying an emergency plastic bag and travel sick tablets in my bag. I started chewing gum to keep my neck muscles busy and managed to get onto CBT for this. It did work at the time but my recent struggles with nausea related to migraines has reignited the flame.

Furthermore, if my diarrhoea is not my ‘usual’ type or goes on for too long I begin to panic about whether I have caught a stomach bug. If I eat something I feel is ‘off’ or ‘undercooked’ or if I have been somewhere like the hospital I cannot rest until 48 hrs after the event and I have proved to myself I don’t have a stomach bug.

It’s really debilitating and I still cannot go on buses, trains or planes for too long without panicking.

I just wanted to see if there’s anyone else out there.

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Cardiacphysiologist profile image
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5 Replies
Ari17 profile image

Hi there, I have had a lot of the same problems with IBS. My acid reflux is particularly bad and I've always been a fairly anxious person but IBS and acid reflux especially has sent my anxiety levels through the roof. I always get nauseous when travelling even the day before. Sometimes it's hard to tell if its on my head or it really is my stomach but it's a vicious cycle because I'm constantly worried about it on trains/planes I eventually will be sick. Can relate with you entirely it's a horrible feeling and sometimes I wonder if I'm going mad 🙄

Sorry this isn't a particularly insightful message, I haven't quite found a full proof solution yet but I have been trying the low FODMAP diet and I do find it has helped ease symptoms even just a little bit so far! Also I find especially when I'm particularly stressed with work or general life my acid reflux/IBS is 10 times worse so I've resorted to trying to keep travelling as stress free as possible and try and find time to switch off the day before a big flight etc.

Hope this at least helps a little bit to know you are not alone in this!

Margie71 profile image

I have had Emetophobia my whole life. It is debilitating and when I’m having IBS symptoms, my fear gets worse and then the

IBS increases. I don’t have magic answers. I carry anti nausea medication with me and try to get my mind onto other topics. You aren’t alone.

xjrs profile image

Have you been referred by your GP to a fodmap trained dietitian to take you through the elimination and reintroduction phases of the diet? The diet helped my IBS-D and reflux, since it reduces gases in your system. If you can reduce your symptoms you might start to feel more in control of your situation. I can't stand being sick (who does) and I tend to be a bit of a clean freak as a result. Maybe if you can get your symptoms more under control and get continued CBT or similar support, you can get your life back again.

Ashweb901 profile image

I most definitely am phobic about vomiting. And when I get an IBS attack, I turn white as a sheet, sweat profusely and feel I'm gonna throw up and have D at the same time. It's the worst, and I can't predict when it will happen. Fortunately it's only a few times per year. My fears don't curtail my activities in daily life, tho. Some EMDR therapy (google it) might help?

Linley profile image

Do understand I had Emetophobia in my early teens used to give a list of things I had eaten out of the norm. to my mum and asked her if it would make me sick. How anxious is that?

In those days CBT was unknown and not on the NHS. Fortunately I grew out of it my mum said if it had continued much longer she would have taken me to the GPs, Now in my senior years I worry about leakages from the gut so always have an emergency kit with me. Suggest you try CBT again to help you. Good Luck

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