To cut a long story short I have Been on an exclusion diet for four weeks now no gluten or dairy products feel a lot better dr has now decided to do blood test for coeliac will it show anything as not been eating any gluten products
Blood test for coeliac: To cut a long story... - IBS Network
Blood test for coeliac

Hi Suzannes, only just joined the forum when I spotted your query, my brother has coeliac disease and I know he was told to eat a normal diet before his test to get a true result, like you he had been wary of gluten etc; and was disappointed he had to start again .
Hi Suzannes, granann is right. Current stance is that docs advise you eat gluten for at least 6 weeks before the antibody and enzyme coeliac blood tests. A good way is to gradually introduce the gluten back into the diet rather than introduce it all at one hit i.e. don't go for the gluten bread, wheat pasta and cereals on day 1. If you were having symptoms before, when eating gluten, sometimes you find that after abstaining you get a bigger reaction when it is reintroduced.
Thanks for your answers it was a gastroenterologist who said to have the test after I told him I had not eaten any gluten at all for 4 weeks I thought it was funny but had the blood taken anyway also said he is putting me on scope list
Hi I had blood tests done for coeliac they came back positive after being done 6month s apart. I was told to go gluten free after my condition worsened and go back to eating gluten when my appointment for the endoscopy test came through. I did what I was told and the endoscopy and the biopsies that were taken all came back clear. Following this they did a colonoscopy to rule out various things and I was told by the specialist that he was going to diagnose it as 'just ibs'. My doctor remains convinced it was going gluten free thAt resulted in a clear test and although strongly believes I'm coeliac can't prescribed me anything until the endoscopy comes back positive. So considering that I'm now waiting in limbo I strongly advise you continue eating gluten even if it makes you sick