Hi there,
Having read many blogs on this site I feel compelled to write a blog.
In a nutshell you can improve your health as with any illness but it is about change and listening to your body, removing the strain etc. I feel that the answer is not in taking medication - which I do not condone but it will not get to the root of the problem it will only help with the symptoms at the most.
I believe you need to take a natural approach - eating the way nature intended, no convenience or refined foods, addressing your diet/fluids/lifestyle, a therapist may suggest keeping a diary of the offending foods or testing for food intolerances since there will possibly be a lot of issue with food intolerances.
I could keep writing here all day but my advice to you is to look at your body in a different way - it has all the resources inside and if it is not happy it will alert you to this. I know it is not easy for I have too been here myself, suffering with IBS and candida for many years. Then I got interested in complimentary side to health and nutrition and trained as a nutritional naturopathic therapist. I urge many of you to consider seeing a nutritional therapist/healer - look them up and check their qualifications as there are different types of people out there.
If you want to talk to me privately you can email me lisatomlinson98@yahoo.co.uk and I can advise you about this approach - you can check me out under: nutritionist-resource.org.uk (I am the first person listed under Farnborough). This website also has lots of interesting information and articles written by therapists.
I am happy to give you some free advice should you need it and I wish you luck!
Lisa x