I had a very scary experience this morning. Had bad bout of diarrhoea. Had palpitations, felt sick and dizzy and my jaw was aching. It took an hour to feel any better. I was at work so I came home. As anyone else experienced this?
Scary experience : I had a very scary... - IBS Network
Scary experience

Yes, I've had those feelings with a bad flare up of IBS d. Fortunately it passed and when the flare up eased up things were OK again.
It's possible the whole digestive shock had an effect on your Vagus nerve and that might have been what caused the other symptoms..
There was one time -some years ago now -when I thought I might pass out and was trembling all over, beyond my control. Luckily that was a one-off incident, but a couple of times I did feel quite off and unsteady during or just after a bowel movement. But 2...maybe 3 times in 5 years isn't too bad. It hasn't happened lately at all, for quite some time now.
But definitely if you keep getting jaw pain, similar symptoms recurring, or left arm/ chest pain plus nausea, you do need to see a doctor a.s.a.p.
Thankyou. I must admit it has made me a bit shaken now. Luckily I am seeing dietician today. Been waiting months so I'll see what she says. I'm 73, not getting any younger. It did take it out of me.
I have had this too it is very frightening I also get fecal accidents I can't control it I was 70 last year it has affected my mental health so badly. I would see your GP as you said you had jaw pain I hope you feel better soon.
I can sympathise with you, on a couple of occasions I've had fecal leakage when out shopping. Not very pleasant as you aren't always aware of it, but very unpleasant after sitting in the car to drive home. One occasion I suspected what it was the other not until I got home as it was minimal. Good luck.
Yes, it feels so scary when things like that happen. I understand. I'm in the "getting older" bracket too at 72 this year. I feel we have less resilience to horrible shocks as we get older.
If it's any consolation, if it does happen to be a "vagal spasm", even though it feels like we haven't long for this world, it's quite a common experience. I had one of those (I think I mentioned it) and I was so scared of being found dead on the loo by policemen who would have broken in two weeks later....(imagine that!)....that I snapped myself right out of it by sheer desperate willpower, got wiped and cleaned up with a squirt of cologne, and the first thing I did when I went downstairs was have a brandy. Within 15 minutes I was fine to go and walk 1/4 mile to feed a neighbour's cat.
And there was no repeat of the incident, except just mildly once or twice more. Not so bad either time. And that's over 4 years ago.
So it might not happen again . I hope your visit with the dietician went well today, and I hope she was helpful?
Hi Luisa I hope you are well. Very interested to hear about the Vagal spasm as I think that’s what happened to me today. I’m shaking and freezing and nauseas and terrified. So much so I am convinced I’m coming down with flu or something. I’m so shook. Don’t want to “hog” Jetwills post - maybe you could PM me? Hope all is well. W
I agree with Luisa22 re the jaw pain but I have experienced your other symptoms after diarrhea on quite a few occasions over the past couple of years. I have put it down to dehydration and try to make sure I drink more every day. Hope that helps as it's a dreadful feeling!
All signs of dehydration what is a big cause in diarrhoea/IBS anyway, especially lack of magnesium/potassium and calcium and excess salt.
I think that sometimes the stress of IBS causes us to panic a bit or lot in my case then panic starts me off with palpitations a nausea feeling the more anxious I get the worse the symptoms the wiry of no loo on site can send me into a terrible anxious state so your not alone
so sorry you had this scare Jetwill. It’s an awful feeling and like others have said it can leave you rattled. I had a similar (but different) experience just today and I’m rattled. I’m
Thinking of you.
Thankyou for comments and support. I have been ok since, scary though. Dietician went ok, talked about irrigation sent prescription through to my GP for peppermint tablets. I told her about my experience, didn't seem overly concerned. Talked through dos and don'ts of diet. More dont's than do's. Spoke about what happens with bile after gall bladder removal and anxiety etc.