so I have had IBS for several years but my symptoms got worse in October 2024. In January 2025, I was told I have multiple gallstones! I might need surgery. However, my symptoms are mostly excessive gas, heartburn, and intermittent pain in the middle or left side of my abdomen. I thought gallstones caused pain on the right side! Anyone else have IBS and gallstones?
IBS and gallstones!: so I have had IBS for... - IBS Network
IBS and gallstones!

Gallstones do cause pain in the centre and right hand side radiating to the back. However when my gallstones played up at first, I too experienced pain on the left near the pancreas and also the spleen. Thankfully my eventual surgery was successful.
Glad to hear your surgery was successful. Is your diet restricted now in any way?
I had Gallstones and Gallbladder removal 45 years ago, you do have to stick to a Low Fat Diet, and keep away from processed foods as much as you can. Olive Oil and Rapeseed oils are best to use moderately. I don't eat meat either.
No restrictions whatsover. I feel very well. I know some people struggle with fats after gb removal which give them d, so they have to have a low fat diet. I have always cooked from fresh, and avoid processed foods, as much as possible. I enjoy my food and have a good appetite. I have RA and purposely keep slim. I eat a mainly Mediterranean diet. Lots of salads, fruit and vedge. I had bad constipation for a few years before my gallbladder removal, pain, cramps etc now regular, pain free. I can eat anything and I can enjoy a glass or 2 of wine . I enjoyed a chocolate éclair yesterday. No problem with sensible portions of butter ,cream, dairy, meat or fish. I am mindful of eating healthily and sensibly as I don't want to gain weight. I hope it works out well for you.
Hello. Can I ask, how was you diagnosed with gallstones? Did you see a gastroenterologist? Many Thanks
My GP ordered an andominal ultrasound because I was reporting increased abdominal pain and acid reflux.
A GP can refer you for an abdominal ultrasound if your symptoms indicate possible gallstones. This is the gold standard test.
Hello MistyDay. Thank you for your reply. TBH, I don't know what's wrong with me. My symptoms were persistent diarrhoea, pain in my Tummy which went to my left side and round my back, nausea, indigestion and really bad wind. This started in October 2022. I was diagnosed with IBS when I was 23. My GP did some blood and stool tests. The calprotectin test came back high. He then referred me to the gastro. I'm still waiting for a gastro appointment. No scans were mentioned or offered.
I would ask your GP for an upper abdominal ultrasound. It is cheap quick and non invasive. If it is gallstones it will show up on the ultrasound. GB is towards the right. My problems gas, d, cramps pain started in 2015. I had ultrasound. I told the sonographer where my pain was, on the left. He checked my pancreas and spleen, on the left. Said all OK.He was great. He showed me the screen as he was doing it, so I could see the GB stones. I was told they were too big to be a problem. My GP gave me antibiotics, which did wonders for the cramps, gas, and d. Then I had bad c for a few years. Last March one stone moved and got stuck in my bile duct. I was in agony. I went to hospital via A&E and had sepsis. Eventually, I had my gall bladder removed in July. I have been great ever since. I will always have a stretched long and loopy bowel due to all the gas I had, probably bacteria related. Good luck. Gallstones and bacteria infections were the cause of my problems. Keep going back until it is sorted.
Yes! I was very ill 12 years ago with acute pain in the centre of my abdomen, just below the ribcage & in middle of my back.It felt like a large knife had been pushed right through me. The pain only subsided after I vomited violently. This was repeated every time I ate anything with a hint of fat or oil in it. I finally passed a gallstone and my Dr then took yet another blood test which produced a Liver Function test over 400 (less than 40 is normal). This confirmed that my gall bladder had to be removed. I lost 2 1/2 stone waiting for surgery as I had to go on a zero fat diet. The hospital consultants had initially refused to accept it was my gall bladder as the pain was "in the wrong place" ie central below my ribcage. It took my doctor threatening them and my passing a gall stone for them to accept my symptoms......
After surgery I was fine for 5 years before I started getting pain again in the same place and vomiting again. Turned out I had gall stones again. This happened again 2 years later. So far I've had 2 ERCP procedures to remove gall stones from my bile duct. I know when I've got a gall stone problem starting as I get discomfort in my abdomen, really gassy, start feeling nauseous and my IBS C becomes worse/nearly constant. At its worst I get acute pain and start vomiting.
Hi, I had upper gastric pain, right-side radiating to back. Had 2 x Ultrasounds, no gall stones found. I have had IBS for over 30 years and nothing, or no one had been able to help. Good luck with your surgery, hope it works for you x
my Gallstone pains were very different to my IBS pain, upper central ab, and became much more intense with each attack, ( worse than labour )until eventually the only relief was from iv morphine.
Mine eventually became infected, the pain was immense temp (40.9c )and radiated from the centre to my left shoulder, only this time didn’t calm down. Thankfully they removed my gall bladder along with 50/60 stones a week later.
I am Waiting gallbladder surgery i only found out that I had gallstones as a locum dr sent me for an ultrasound scan on my abdomen which picked it up. I wa being treated for IBS C . So we think now it is definitely my gallstones causing all my problems.
Given that you are in Canada and so I'm assuming that you have to pay for your surgery (as in US I believe) or the bit that may not be covered by insurance, I would strongly suggest that you consult a Functional Medical practitioner. They may well be able to help you 'dissolve' the stones and avoid surgery. There's a tendency by conventional medicine to treat the gallbladder as superfluous (the same as other body parts that are removed without a second thought). The gallbladder has valuable functions re digesting and absorbing fats and fat soluble vitamins, preventing gut infections, helping with gut motility etc etc. It makes sense that your symptoms have worsened as the stones have formed. They'd also help you address the causes of your IBS and why you got gallstones in the first place. Life without a gallbladder is not without its problems and I for one, would hate to 'lose' mine.
Hi, we don’t pay anything for surgery in Canada as it is covered by our universal health plan. There may be a wait list though. I am going for bloodwork this week to try and figure out why I got them in the first place! I like the idea of consulting with a functional doctor - I don’t know if that is something I might have to pay for. We do have to pay privately for a naturopath. Thanks for your advice!
I had my gallbladder out about 20 yrs ago.I just remember that the pain was excruciating. I also have IBS. It seems that alot of people with IBS have gallbladder problems. Afterwards my IBS D was really bad. I still have to follow a low fat diet.
I had (have) Crohn's a few decades back and possibly as a result got gallstones. I was screaming in agony, crawling to the phone (ambulance crew refused painkiller until I was diagnosed). I guess the stone (stones?) was moving through the duct rather than sitting in the gall bladder, really really hurt, max pain score. Lap Choley sorted it, not a big deal.
I have the same issues. Have had IBS for years stilling learning how to manage it and then I found out about the gallstones by chances when I went for a kidney scan in sept 2024. Recently I have had the same pain as you in the same area and my IBS seems flared up more often like every week! I’m so scared of any surgery and also the fact some people say their IBS is worse after gallbladder removal.
Hi, I have the same fear - that my IBS will get worse! It is generally manageable if I am very careful about what I eat.