Hi there I was wondering if anyone has had similar symptoms to me. So basically just over 5 years ago I was diagnosed with IBS. Since May this year I’ve been coughing up yellow phlegm sometimes white and frothy every morning. Since May I have been back and forth to the doctors had a chest Xray which came back clear. Had two lots of antibiotics which didn’t help then an inhaler which didn’t help either. I was first told it was chest infection then copd then acid reflux 🤷♀️. I have just been trying to put up with it. Does anyone think it could be related to IBS , does anyone else here suffer from both these things. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
acid reflux/ post nasal drip: Hi there I was... - IBS Network
acid reflux/ post nasal drip

I don't think it is related to IBS; try to see a pulmonologist.
I have both IBS and post nasal drip which is really bad in the summer.
I use sterimar nasal spray every day.
IMO there’s a connection and apparently some probiotics are beneficial for it and others not so good.
I also get bad hayfever and suffer from eczema.
Do you feel like you’re swallowing catarrh a lot ? That’s what I get but when I blow my nose it’s clear.
If you’re getting clear X-rays and have had plenty of antibiotics then it sounds like you’ve got no infection.
You could always get a second opinion from another GP if you’re worried.
Acid reflux can often go along with IBS. This is just a theory of mine and not written in stone, but I always think when there is some slow transit (constipation) going on, that can slow down digestion on the whole, and keep stomach contents in the stomach for too long, thus there's likely to be fermentation, extra pressure in the lower oesophageal sphincter (the ring of muscle where the oesophagus meets the stomach) That can weaken the normal closing of the sphincter, and cause acid and maybe some stomach contents to back up into the oesophagus.
That is extremely irritating for the oesophagus. Stomach acid is apparently as corrosive as battery acid.
When we sleep, this can be happening and sometimes if it's just acid creeping up we might or might not waken up enough to know it's going on. That can even affect the nasal passages, throat, eustachian tube (which can affect the middle ear), and sinuses!
If it affects those areas, nature's response to protect mucus membranes is to produce more mucus.
One quite effective way to stop that happening is to try out elevating the sleep position, so that gravity will keep stomach acid lower down hopefully where it belongs!
This isn't as bad as I expected it to be. In 2021 I had a bout of acid reflux, and elevated the head of my bed by (I seem to remember) about 9 inches or so. I put old thick books under the head of my bed so raising my bed at the top. I was sure I wouldn't be able to sleep propped up like that as I am used to sleeping flat out, but it was very comfortable.
I used other methods too such as herbal bitters, DGL liquorice powder, calcium citrate chewable tablet each day, leaving at least 4 hours (usually more) after eating before I went to bed, and deep abdominal "mindful" breathing exercises which helped to tone my diaphragm muscles a bit more. There are helpful YouTube videos about how to do this.
If I really needed it, I chewed a Rennie, but really preferred not to have to do that. But it was helpful if things got bad.
Generally, I wasn't constipated. I was diagnosed with IBS D. But I think it's IBS M, as I do go through very brief times when I am a bit constipated. I have no idea why I developed reflux for a short time, but it passed quickly (4 months, and it was completely gone.)
But it might help if you have any means by which you can keep your digestion flowing naturally? Whether that's by diet or medicines which help if you get a bit blocked up?
A fantastic exposition.! .Clear, comprehensible, comprehensive and demonstrating a deep.understanding of the issues for those with these sorts on conditions.
Do you know what triggered your reflux because I seem to be experiencing it lately.
I don’t have regurgitation or pain , just feels like I’ve ate a load of lemons.
I have no idea what triggered my acid reflux. It started 6th December 2020, and had gone by early April 2021. All I remember was I ate and enjoyed a tin of salmon with some vegetables and rice I think, on the evening of December 6th, and that was usually fine for me (and is still fine for me now!)
About 4 hours later I started with acid reflux and burning indigestion and it kept coming back every day. I remember I wasn't constipated either at the time.
It's a mystery, but it hasn't come back since, so I live in the moment!
Did you visit the GP or deal with it yourself?
I dealt with it myself. I used a few different strategies:
*Elevating the head of my bed by (I think ) 9 inches, Sleeping that way for months.. It wasn't uncomfortable, I didn't slip down the bed, and I got used to it. It felt weird to sleep on a flat bed later on !
*I made my own herbal bitters mix. Made enough tea for 4 days at a time (3 times a day wineglass dose) and kept it in the fridge.
(I used: Angelica root, orange peel, Gentian, Camomile, Ceylon cinnamon. I didn't buy ready made bitters because those often have Senna in them. That was all I needed ....NOT!!)
*I did mindful diaphragmatic breathing exercises 3 times a day for about 14 minutes each session.
*I took DGL pure liquorice powder (I seem to remember it was 1/4 teaspoon twice a day but could have been 3 times (?)
*I left at least 4 hours, usually 6 or 7 after eating dinner and some little snack later before going to bed.
*I chewed Calcium Citrate tablets (I can't remember if that was one a day or two. But it's important not to overdose on Calcium. The RDA for an adult over 60 is 1200mg. If you are younger and decide to take them, check the RDA for your age.) Calcium citrate chewed slowly can help to strengthen the ring of muscle in the lower sphincter of the oesophagus. It "tones" the muscle there.
*I ate Manuka honey too whenever I felt like it and wanted a sweet treat! That was a very expensive habit, but I feel it did help my tummy a lot.
Otherwise I didn't change my diet or lifestyle at all. This regime worked for me, but it might not work as well for everyone of course.
Yeah I’ve got some Manuka honey and have camomile tea. I believe sleeping on your left side is also a recommendation.
I think mine is caused by a combination of stress , too much wine and chocolate over Xmas and problems with insomnia.
I don’t have pain or belching, regurgitation, just feels like I’ve been eating lemons.
I also have had problems with my jaw (TMJ) just before it all started which apparently is linked to reflux.
I’m tempted to avoid the doctor if possible.
I agree with Luisa ; I’ve had same issues and trat it similarly.
Agree completely with Luisa 22.At least three hours must elapse between a meal and going to bed or simply going to lie down. Apart from that, the bed you use must be inclined. I placed a 15 centimeter thick block of wood under each leg at the headboard and this has eliminated all instances of reflux. All the best.
Im unsure if connected to IBS. My dad (aged 71) also coughs up the same most days but, based on last year's experience, the doctors aren't concerned.
Our guess is it could be an ageing effect (link below) or maybe a longer-term effect of covid that he likely had last year. It could be another cause but your post confirms that medics also dont really know either, unless you have a current, tested infection.
Dad gargles most days and adopts Nutritional Therapy.
I suffer with both but haven't connected them. I normally bring up phlegm an hour or so after waking. I also at times get very congested. I've sprayed all sorts over the years. When it's bad I have to use Otrivine. Sinex gives me a sore throat. I have taken omeprazole for many years for reflux. Recently it's got worse though.
for me personally the 2 aren’t related.
But had suffered from post nasal drip for around 4 years - constant throat infections and use of antibiotics.
I went private to have a scan of my throat and sinuses- and it showed inflammation on one side of my sinuses.
Over a period of about 18months, I reduced my diary intake as it can produce excess phlegm, used a nasal rinse every day + the use of ‘Dymista’ nasal spray.
Dymista is a mix of steroid and anti histamine.
Fast forward to the present, I no longer suffer with any of the above, and now no longer take any medication.
Not sure how helpful the above may be, but thought it a different angle to consider for you.
Best of luck and I hope you manage to improve or resolve the issue.
Interesting, I’ve had post nasal drip for a long time and I’ve had throat infections in the past, I do think related to gastric reflux to and sinus issues so I think all connected
there is this new device I intent to try , I have acid reflux and IBs,callled Iquro, its £145.0 , the approval agency , NICE, havent technically approved t, so not sure you can get it on prescription . It’s a small device you put in your mouth and do 30 seconds of specific every day. The theory is it to your brain that the autonomic nervous system which is normally not amenable to to strengthen and coordinate the 148 muscles involved in digestion through the oesophagus and the diaphragm. Lots of positive reports from people who have acid reflux is occasionally really bad and I wonder if as people are saying there is a connection and IBS. So for me £145 for a non-invasive non-pharmaceutical device with no is worth a shot.
Check out this website and good luck!
That sounds interesting. I remember seeing that when I was wondering what to do. I thought I'd stick with what I was doing and if that didn't work invest in IQoro and try that. Initially the cost got to me as I only have my pension, but I probably ended up spending close to that amount anyway on various things I bought (herbs, DGL liquorice, calcium tablets etc.) !
Hi! I also wake up with unpleasant phlegm type stuff at the back of my mouth. An OGD revealed a hiatus hernia and it has been put down to this.I sleep with my head elevated and take Lansoprazole, neither seem to really help
Hello and Happy New Year to everyone.I get both and agree with Louisa in what she advises.Louisa talks a lot of sense and I feel is better and more knowledgeable than a lot of doctors.Please carry on posting on here Louisa .X
Hi. Could be acid reflux. Known as as the reflux cough. You don't always get heartburn but it inflames the esophagus and the body produces mucus to try and protect it. I've had this and it's called erosion of the esophagus. Mine was down to certain food intolerance. Grains and corn. I had to have ppi's to stop the acid and let it heal. Then reduce ppi's slowly. Never just stop as you'll get rebound acid. I then had Gaviscon ADVANCE. I now take occasionally a ppi if I know I'm going to eat food that doesn't agree with me. Say for instance a meal out .
I have IBS, post nasal drip and acid reflux, and these all go hand in hand with a lung condition called Bronchiectasis. This does not show up on X-ray and can only be diagnosed by CT scan. I also have a primary immunodeficiency called Manose Binding Lectin deficiency, also only diagnosed along with the Bronchiectasis even though I have had this all my life. Unfortunately these conditions can only be managed not cured and it was trial and error to find an ok balance. Please don’t give up trying to find the right diagnosis as there is a wealth of information available when you do, especially on this site. Take care of yourself.
Hi, yes it sounds like what I’m currently experiencing, acid reflux. I’ve had it in the past and it’s affected my swallowing but my most recent spells it’s more like I’m getting a cold and what you described. Omeprazole didn’t agree with me, but Famotidine was very affective. After my last course though I was told if it came back I needed a camera down, so I guess that’s my next steps. Just to note that things that can help your IBS like peppermint tea can make your acid reflux worse, so I’d try ginger instead. Good luck, it’s rubbish I know!
Thank you so much for this and really sorry you’re experiencing the same good luck with the camera though 🙏🤗.
I suffer from both had a cough since June had chest X-ray was told I had pneumonia nut no other symptom her than cough - 2 lots of antibiotics nothing worked still cough after seeing my 3rd GP he has put me on PPIs as he thinks it’s LPR (silent reflux) that has aspirated into my lung hence fluid on lung. I have started taking them and hoping I can stop coughing. I just wish doctors would sing from the same hymn sheet !!!! Seeing someone different every time not reading my notes and think antibiotics is the answer to everything
Thank you for responding so sorry to hear that you’ve been having issues too. I absolutely love what you put about doctors all singing from same the hymn sheet it’s so true. I’ve been just putting up with my symptoms and haven’t been back to the doctors since the summer I can now say last year this is definitely the reason why. 🙏🤗
I have both IBS, IBD and acid reflux. When the IBS/IBD is playing up, the acid reflux gets worse and I also have a lot of phlegm each day. I asked my gastroenterologist at my last appt in October if there was a connection and he said there does seem to be as many of his patients present with similar. The only thing that works for me is taking omeprazole for 1-2 months only (2 tablets daily for 2 weeks, then 1 tablet thereafter) and also at night just before sleep (after cleaning my teeth) a teaspoon of Gaviscon Advance. This combination helps me, as I do not want to take PPI's long term so it was suggested I try this....I think as with most issues, it will be trial and error so I hope you find something that does help.
Thank you so much for responding and I’m glad that you’ve found something that helps. It’s so horrible though I’ll definitely try the gaviscon. 🙏🤗
Bigclivedotcom on YThas a homemade rcipe for making your own liver salts. Citric acid and sodium bicarbonate will, fizz up in a glass of water, swallow quickly and get ready for that volcanic burp of blissful relief. Love heart sweets make for emergency stomach calming meds, as they are so close to sherbet and have a great taste.
It does have to be the Advance one though not the normal one. Good luck - hope it helps!
I too have IBS for decade+ ; have been diagnosed with Silent GERD; not so silent if I have vinegars, tomato paste etc.
bloating after some foods does exacerbate it.
I have also wondered if post nasal drip can happen because of unrecognised food sensitivities?
I have had short bouts of it in the past but not recently. Once, a few years ago now and before IBS, I got it in the mornings if I ate too many eggs in a short space of time. But I don't feel intolerant to eggs, don't get problems with them eaten regularly but in moderation, and they are a main and helpful pasrt of my diet now. I feel it was just my body rejecting "too much of a good thing".
For some people it can be other foods. I knew someone who got it when she ate grapefruit, and someone else with sugar, and another with dairy or cheese....etc. A family member gets sniffles and what he calls "slight catarrh" if he eats Kiwi fruit.
So that might be another angle to consider, and see if you identify any foods or drinks that make it worse?
I have suffered from post nasal drip for as long as I can remember, well before I was diagnosed with ibs.One thing they say about post nasal drip is that when excess mucus is swallowed and enters the stomach, it can cause nausea and vomiting. I can't say I have been affected that way, certainly not regarding vomiting, but could anything that irritates the stomach be a possible cause of ibs ?
I have COPD and post nasal drip along side IBS and BAM. Occasionally I bring up yellow bile in a morning.
Hello. I was told I had IBS years ago. Chronic constipation acid reflux and also a hiatus hernia. Firstly I found a cure for constipation by drinking black coffee with half a lemon squeezed in every morning. I have been prescribed so many drugs none of which have worked to the point my GP has said there is nothing else to try. So I have acid reflux which wakes me every night with pain in my chest. It goes when I get up. Wake with sore throat, hoarseness and get a lot of phlemy coughs. I am now trying Symprove to try to get my good gut bacteria back. I have also found Gut Smart cool tablets and they really do help better than any prescription meds I have tried. I have also started taking aloa vera in liquid form twice a day to sooth my throat. I have just started a food diary to find my triggers as there are a lot. Taking this into my own hands as this has gone on for years and I worry about damage to my esophagus. Good luck.
I have had an operated on deviated septum, a post nasal drip and acid reflux, along with a dust allergy and dysfunctional breathing. It took 30 plus years to find out that these individual symptoms where misdiagnosed from childhood as exercised induced asthma. SO2 in drinks feels like sneezing powder has been thrown in my face. Yes, the digestive track is all connected so if one bit is faulty, chances are other bits will be too. GERD also rots teeth at night. This is how dentists can spot food disorders, with heavy acidic erosion, from constant vomiting.