And would probably get dissmissed. Doc would say it's anxiety or period or whatever. I've been having this pain for a few days. Firstly i thought it was my period but it's over and it still hurts. Also soon i was sick and took heavy antibiotics (doxacicline) . Hurts from below my belly button spreading side to side but mostly below the belly button. Having some WC urges, took antibiotics but cheap and probably not enough. Im scared if it's my bile or a kidney. My uncle got operated from this. Food restrictions would be the death of me. A surgery too. I suffer from insane depression and I barely eat and i get random icks from random foods most of them healthy. Im scared
My belly won't stop hurting. I think it's IBS ... - IBS Network
My belly won't stop hurting. I think it's IBS but im worried if it's something worse but can't visit a doctor

Unless your doctors are very bad there (I notice you live in Bulgaria) then you can't really second guess what a doctor might say, so I think if you can see one, then maybe, just maybe it would help?
But you know better than I do what the health care is like in your country.
It's getting worse here too. ! (UK) generally, but some doctors are very thoughtful and good and will do their best.
Pain below the belly button could be a number of things. I am not a doctor, so please don't take what I say as definite! But it could be connected with your period. or endometriosis, or most likely bowel issues. But bladder troubles could cause low belly pain too, very low down near the groin. Kidney pain is usually higher up, mid back on either side or both, but that can also cause pain near the groin.
It's impossible to guess, but a good doctor would see clues we don't know about and be able to run tests:like blood and stool/urine tests etc.
If you keep needing the toilet (you said you get "WC urges") I guessing for a bowel movement. Is that what you mean? If so, then it does sound a lot like either IBS or another possible bowel issue.
Are you constipated or get loose stool or diarrhoea?
It';s typical of anxiety or depression (or both) to have a bad effect on the gut, and those conditions are often a part of IBS.
Having to take Doxycycline would have messed up your gut microbiome too. I wonder if a good probiotic might help? Something like Symprove or Alflorex? A probiotic with not too many strains of bacteria at once might be better and gentler for you? I don't know.
Thank you so much. Yes, they're bad. I went to my doctor and I didn't even sit or take off my coat. She just suggested it might be my gut. And i hope it's just guts and probiotics help (when i can afford me). You gave me more attention than my doctor
One thing to remember is that the pain has only been a few days. IBS sufferers can suffer pain for years.
You may be suffering from trapped gas. Try any wind products containing simeticone. Rennie Deflatine works best but not sure if available where you are.
If the antibiotics have affected your microbiome, you could try a good probiotic like Alforex or Align which contain Bifdobacterium. If you need to be on antibiotics again you can take saccharomyces boulardii at the same time to support your system.
Can you get a referral for your mental health? Perhaps an online therapist? They might help to change your outlook on life and help your mind set when you experience challenges like this. When problems are approached from a negative view point (e.g. that will never work or I can't do this or that), it will be harder to move forward, implement solutions and get better again.
Depression is not uncommon. It is either caused by a chemical imbalance which medication should help with or past life events that haven't been grieved or a combination of the two. Talking therapies can help with the latter and is worth trying.
Poor mental health and stress can make IBS symptoms (if you have IBS and you won't know without tests) worse. Having a healthy diet is important, but this can be catch 22. Stress may trigger food intolerances which then makes having a healthy diet difficult. Have you tried the Nerva app or any form of meditation or mindfulness practice?
If you continue to suffer from symptoms for a couple of weeks, a doctor will need to carry out some tests to eliminate other things. The chances of it being anything sinister are statistically very slim. Once you have your diagnosis you will have an idea of how to move forward to fix things. Even if the worst were to happen (which is highly unlikely), the sooner you get treatment, the better. However, please remember that you have had these symptoms for a very short time and it could be something completely innocuous and more than likely related to the antibiotics and this can be corrected.
Thank you. I really hope it's just gas and it's worth a try. I'm really worried about it being something more serious. I did the 7 day free trial of nerva and it was somehow useful but then the symptoms came back. My mental health is influencing bad and i do do therapy but just I can't deal with my physical qnd mental illness and them communicating with each other