I was diagnosed with Diverticulitis after having Colonoscopy many years ago. This has been manageable until the last 4 to 5 years. I started to have constant diarrhoea, more like IBS symptoms. No Doctor has ever diagnosed IBS but after a Sigmoidoscopy 3 years ago it was confirmed that it was severe Diverticulitis I was suffering from and no mention of IBS. Since the Sigmoidoscopy my diarrhoea stopped and I now have constipation ,but only in that I pass very small soft motions many times a day and have a constant pain along my pelvic area. I was discharged from hospital Specialist Clinic after Sigmoidoscopy with “ just get on with it” and no suggested medication. Does this sound like IBS/C to anyone? I wake every morning early with pain in abdomen slightly relieved with 2 or 3 small bowel movements over a couple of hours. I’m wondering if anyone else has similar symptoms. Thank you all.
PAIN ALONG PELVIC AREA. Diverticular or IBS C - IBS Network

It does sound like it but you need a professional to confirm it.
The constipation can cause the pain you describe...
I've had same symptoms for four years, seen 2 gastro consultants and 3 surgeons. I was diagnosed with severe diverticula disease causing narrowing on sigmoid, insussception, and rectocele after having scans and proctogram. I'm in constant pain and can't sleep because of it, but nobody will do anything about it, I've beed given no treatment and have just been left to suffer
I suggest the best thing is to keep a food diary. I had my gall bladder removed, so find I must avoid creamy or very fatty food. But randomly I identified sausage meat, and grapes. I think the skin on stoned fruit is a problem. I can eat peeled plums Finally I'm now eating gluten free. It took a couple of weeks, but now I have very little pain. I drink lots and take ispaghula husk which definitely helps. Hope you find your solution. It can take a while to mend your gut.
I can relate to that had IBS since the eighties, but like you found I had sigmoid diverticular. Fortunately it doesn't give me much trouble, it does change your habits, I get wind at 6. 30am in mornings, I usually then go loo
It does depend on what you eat to make life better. Constipation should be avoided to lessen the risk of another diver forming. I never eat rubbish ile kfc or Mac, but a freshly cooked Chinese is fine for me. I tend to eat decent meat pie and mash but boil plenty of veg but not beans broccoli or sweetcorn. I like salads small amounts of sliced ham a chicken drumstick, 1 vine tomato sliced, cucumber good plenty of fluid, sausage oil, small slice of cheddar cheese. Things I avoid, any cheesy hot fillings, some breadcrumb turkey breasts. Pasta I now given up, it always seem to have trouble with pasta in any form. I take buscapam when needed or windeezi. Hope that helps
unfortunately you could have both, definitely diagnosed, diverticulitis and ibs.