Hi all,
First time posting but looking for some help as really struggling to find anything that works.
For almost 2 years now I have been struggling with gut issues. It’s not clear how and why it started, but I have two theories;
1) It is a reaction to having a strong antibiotic to clear up a fungal infection which has been made worse by further antibiotics to tackle my gut issues at a later date.
2) It is a reaction to either having COVID or my last COVID injections.
My symptoms are not severe in the sense I cannot do my job or day to day life but they are persistent, uncomfortable and continue to impact my physical and mental health. Generally my symptoms are; bloating, lots of gas, inconsistent stool, very regular stool, never feeling fully relieved after passing stool, lots of gut movement and noise and a tightening feeling across my abdomen (almost like an internal belt due to the bloating).
I have a very sedentary job (office based) which increases the feeling of uncomfortableness when very bloated and become hugely self conscious due to the noises my gut makes - especially when within a meeting with my colleagues. I do exercise frequently but struggle with this as I always feel tired and lack energy and motivation.
When researching IBS it would be described more as IBS C than D but it’s not like I am blocked and struggling to pass stool it’s just the lack of full relief that makes me think it’s more C than D.
I have seen my GP and privately had consultation. This has resulted in antibiotics (to ensure no gut infection), cutting out certain food groups e.g. lactose as well as completing Low FODMAP for 2 months or so. I also carried out a course of hypnotherapy which just made me fall asleep..
I am now at a loss. My clothes are getting harder to wear, I have tried so many types of antibiotics, probiotics, diets, buscopan, mint tea etc but nothing seems to work.
It’s really getting me down, I dread going to work as I don’t know how bad I will be and feel tense as I try to manage my gut movements and noises. My consultant said there’s no cure and things may just settle down but I struggle to follow that.
Hopefully some of what I have shared will resonate with others and I welcome your thoughts and ideas. I just want to feel comfortable again to feel more confident and to not worry about my gut everyday and have a clearer mind to focus on enjoying each day again.