I've been struggling IBS for several years but in the past 6 months it has gotten so much worse. My bloating wouldn't usually start til the pm, but lately it's CONSTANT! It is totally affecting every other aspect of my life! I want to be a hermit b/c I don't want to put clothes on or don't want people to see me look "pregnant". I actually went on a diet for 30 days that removed every form of sugar, wheat, dairy, and processed / "unnatural" foods. Never cheated ONE time and I was still bloated and constipated after 30 days!! Did go to integrative med. MD and she drew blood and sent off stool samples. Waiting on results (won't get for another 2 weeks tho!). I am definitely IBS-C and rarely have any pain. It's just this awful bloating and full feeling. Any advice???
SO MISERABLE!: I've been struggling IBS for... - IBS Network

the best thing for constipation is magnesium citrate tablets I take 400mg before bed but you can take more or less ,,,you just need to find the correct dose to suit you,hope this helps x
Occasionally, but I never feel "empty" if you know what I mean. Doesn't help the bloating though...
Occasionally, but I never feel "empty" if you know what I mean. Doesn't help with the bloating though!
I am IBS c but have had very few symptoms since I did the fodmap diet, I now know which foods trigger it (really random like onion, broccoli, peas, apples, pears, too much gluten, sweets such as haribo and few other things) I also take colofac twice a day too and fingers crossed for the last 6 months things have been ok, occasional flare up but usually because I've been naughty and eaten something I shouldn't, would recommend trying a low fodmap diet (you exclude the items on the list - app available for free) and then reintroduce so you find out what affects you - well worth a try
Hi Julie, I read an article in a magazine yesterday (Woman's Weekly - it's not normally a magazine I buy) and the article was about Silicon Gel and that it sorted her IBS pain, although she also suffered from bouts of constipation, diarrhoea and flatulence. The Silicolgel is purchased from Boots, Holland and Barrett and independent pharmacies. This is something that I am going to try myself as I get bloated, sometimes pain and lots of flatulence.
Diet is another area that I must concentrate on.
Best of luck with whatever you try and find that works for you.
Hi Julie,
A couple of questions for you, have you ever had any abdominal surgery and do you have any spinal probs?

I had 3 C-sections (last one 14 yrs ago)and have been having a lot of lower back pain.
Two years ago a close friend described precisely the same sort of bloating as you have and was told she had IBS which she didn't believe. After a lot of hassle, it was eventually discovered that she had loads of adhesions caused by previous abdominal surgery and these were causing her problems. Her bloating vanished after getting these removed.
I have issues with my lumbar spine and my GP has referred me to a neurosurgeon to see if it can't be fixed as he thinks that my IBS symptoms are caused by severely pinched nerves. It's called neurogenic bowel.
Both of these things may be worth following up with your doctor, there are many medical conditions that get written-off as IBS and not half enough proper diagnostic procedures.

Rosie, Sorry for putting in I have had major abdominal surgery and I suffer with more of less as Julia,my surgery was for a ruptured colon due to diverticulitis which is a life threatening problem
Hi there I understand. My best advice after being the same is 2x garlic and parsley tablets a day, 1 hydrochloride tablet before each meal and 1 probiotic daily all for 1 months. I was just like you and have found this has helped soooo much. Wishing you well.
I was the same constantly bloated , trapped wind all the time, but I was over weight , so started counting calories , loosing weight feel fantastic , no bloating , no trapped wind , cut out baked beans , mushrooms, eggs.
Thank you all for the advice. I really appreciate it.
I am going to wait 1 1/2 more weeks (til meet w/ Doc again to see what test results
say) before I start any other new thing. I know you can all feel my pain when I say I am "exhausted" trying new things!!
Thanks again!!
I find charcoal capsules sometimes help with the bloating,they seem to absorb some of the gas,this IBS is a nightmare and very expensive I try anything that I hear may help most of the time is a waste of time and money,but we must keep searching what helps one may not help another,good luck.
I tried the gel, it was expensive and didn't make any difference to my symptoms. 😒
That's such a shame and as cassie17 has said, this condition is very expensive. It would help if the NHS could put a lot of the treatments for IBS on a list of medications so that we could buy a yearly prescription, would save a lot of money.
Looks like Rosie218 may have 'hit the nail on the head'.
Best of luck and hope you feel much better soon.