Hi all - was diagnosed with IBS after having years of abdominal pain and camping. This diagnosis was made after various tests one of which discovered that I had a slow moving colon.
After seeing a dietician I have now embarked on eating healthier adding kiwi and also using fibre supplements to stimulate bowel movements. This has had a mixed success rate.
Also been told to try Symprove - so would be keen know anyone who had tried this.
I have now found myself thinking about this 24/7 which is obviously having a detrimental affect on my life. I have been on anti depressants for years and decided to come off them 6 months ago. The flare ups last approx one day but can be extremely painful with cramping. I basically lie in bed and take various meds none of which seems to work quickly. The symptoms subside after flacualence and then after a day or so after return to normal.
Can anyone help or advise if they have similar symptoms. As mentioned on some profiles - doctors give you the diagnosis and leave you to get on with it which am an be difficult.
Need to get my life back !