Hi does anyone else have to sit on the toilet with legs up on a stool to go to the toilet? This is happening all the time now for the last 12 months. Firstly started once or twice when struggling to go but now I need to do it nearly every time if I want a full bowel movement. It’s such a nuisance as you can’t do that when you’re away from home. Also having bladder issues the specialist said could be because uterus has been removed and the bowel has nothing for it to stop leaning on bladder. Any advice would be greatly appreciated it. Really had enough now . Thanks
Having to sit in awkward positions to go to th... - IBS Network
Having to sit in awkward positions to go to the loo

I can understand if the position isn't comfortable for you because not everyone likes squatting or has a flexible body or narrow enough round the waist to make this position easy. But what you're describing is like the "squatty potty". Have you ever heard of it?
Apparently our colons have a natural kink in them, and when we are in a squatting position that straightens out. It has been said that our western habit of sitting on a toilet has caused people a lot of problems re: constipation. Because sitting is not supposed to be the right position for proper colon elimination.
I don't often have issues with constipation. Usually I'm more the other way with IBS D predominant. But I use a squatty potty anyway and did notice a difference. I eliminated more completely. And then my gut felt easier after just one bm. But I do find squatting easy to do. And that position also helps my lower back.
You could check out this whole "squatty potty" thing. It is recommended for everyone. There are some nice designs too, or you could just use a couple of blocks of wood. There might be a lightweight one designed for travel, which folds up, then locks into place when in use. I don't know but you could have a look.
You can buy a squatty potty on Amazon. It has made a big positive difference for me.
have you ever been checked for endometriosis? Just I had and have those issues even tho I have loose stool and I had endometriosis on the bowel and filling the pounch of Douglas and the pounch of Douglas endo created a big kink in the rectum making it horrific to go to the toilet (I was never constipated) however I would have to do exactly as you described. I had to have bowel surgery and removing the pounch endo especially did made a massive difference xx
oh no you poor thing. I’ve had endometriosis for 40 years but had my uterus eventually removed because of it 10 years ago so I don’t think it can be endometriosis but it’s idea. I will research thank you.
it’s definitely worth looking into as my endo and corectal surgeon explained how one spot of endo in the pounch of Douglas pulls the rectum towards it which is what creates the kink making it very hard to go even when you have loose stool. Think of the endo like a magnet and it pulls the rectum and vagina so sex is also painful that’s a sign of endo in the pounch. I had a total hysterectomy last year everything removed, tubes, cervix, ovaries and uterus aged 35. It’s helped in some ways but still suffer with the same pain so I’m not sure what the point of the hysterectomy was especially as I have to take hrt. Anyway different topic but good luck xx
thanks. That’s so bad the hysterectomy didn’t work. After my urologist telling me nothing there to support bowel. I’m like you regretting uterus removal. As I was born with a huge bowel twice the size apparently of normal bowel. Had a colonoscopy only managed to get up a third of my bowel apparently run out of tube and too dangerous to do again😢 so it’s a nightmare but I think would prefer pain before than the pain on my bladder
me again. Did you find the endometriosis after your hysterectomy or before in the pouch? Thanks
I had the endometriosis found first where it was wide spread and initially had it removed in the simple areas then waited to see the bowel specialist to do that area and the pounch. Then I had a total hysterectomy in April last year which helped my hormones but has done nothing for my problems. The gastros were happy to blame the endo even tho they missed it for many many years and the gyne say it’s the bowel causing issues not the endo so it’s a nightmare.
Just be careful with the pelvic floor exercises as that can actually make it harder to go as you are strengthening those clench muscles my pelvic floor physio told me to stop doing them…….one the initial healing was done.
I feel the endo is back worse since the hysterectomy but no one will listen to me so I will see how I get on with this new pain specialist and gastro but then I will go to a private endo specialist for a second opinion.
Hope that helps a little xx we are all different I guess my body just hates me
thanks. I keep asking my gp can it be endometriosis and he insists because I have uterus removed and blood tests show I’m post menopausal then you can’t get endometriosis that’s why I asked. Hope they can sort something out for you. I was diagnosed with endometriosis when I was 11 but had numerous operations to clear it away. Really hope they can help you it’s a nightmare if you have bowel issues on top. Take care let me know how you get on. Xx
if they didn’t remove all of your endometriosis when you were pre menopause or even after if you had hrt then all it does is grow and spread if it isn’t all removed that’s why you are meant to take some form of progesterone pre menopause to stop it growing and me with my hrt I must always take progesterone along with the oestrogen. No surgeon can ever say that they definitely 100% removed it all so I would be questioning it.
Having your uterus removed doesn’t stop endometriosis, endo is caused by the oestrogen from your ovaries so removing the uterus will never stop Endo it just helps with the pain and heavy bleeding.
I’m with a gastro and pain management specialist but I have been recommended a good endo specialist that is my last option as don’t want more surgery and my question is still my diagnostic operation and hysterectomy was done by a non endo specialist I only had the endo specialist for the bowel surgery so having the hysterectomy and still being in pain is a big question especially as it’s worse with higher oestrogen hrt.
I went privately for my endo as the nhs is way too long and they are less likely to bother to investigate at the moment xx
Oh that’s interesting I will ask my urologist when I go back to see what she thinks as I had endoscopy of my bladder couple of weeks ago. I see if she could have looked at that area. I didn’t take any hrt as my mum had breast cancer. Thanks for your reply.
you don’t need anything special or expensive. I have 2 small folding stools from Amazon, one in each loo. Never go away without one, about £5 or so but it makes a huge difference !
Hi...is your pelvic floor OK as from experience alot of troubles are from that..
Hi there....I had managed a prolapse for 10 yrs along with a kegal 8 and hrt and vitimins...the kegal 8 are a godsend for your pelvic floor I used to suffer from constipation daily always straining which put extra strain on my pelvic floor...I researched the kegal 8 and thought I would try it and I've never looked back ..I still use it weekly after my operation to keep it strong but I also take lacido daily and naked sure I take fresh fruit ect ....pls think about it ...jeanette
Can you tell me what a legal 8 is. Does this help with constipation? Thanks.
Hi its a pelvic floor exerciser as sometimes when your pelvic floor is week it presses on your bowel ...I had surgery in Feb last year to fix it and been alot better but I have to watch my diet and not get constipated ...have u tried lacido sachets to help you go...if you Google keggal 8 on the Internet it will show you.. I've had 3 upto now over 10 yrs..and to me they are great...you have to be patient but if you use everyday for a couple weeks even you may see a difference...its worth a try...jx
Yep. It helps me to use a small plastic foldable stool, alas not portable, so improvise when away/out.
Yes, exactly. Have been doing it for years that way. It has helped. Luckily I am too sick to leave the house most of the time, so don’t worry about it away from home. Good luck! So sorry for your condition 🥺