Anyone on here been found to have this via testing, and if so, can I ask where you managed to find a place that tested for it? Thus far I’ve been checked - by means of hydrogen breath testing - for SIBO, lactose intolerance and fructose intolerance, all of which have come back fine, but the hospital I went to for them does not test for for sorbitol intolerance. Coeliac disease has also been ruled out (by blood test). I have (or rather - had) a lifelong history of a tendency towards constipation (under consultant led care for it as a child) which, now that I’m in my 60s, has suddenly gone to a tendency towards loose bowel motions which at times verges on diarrhoea. All tests thus far have failed to find a cause (including a colonoscopy). I’ve been told that I’m not unique; the consultant I’m seeing for it has encountered other cases, but that’s of small consolation. I have found a way to help control it - it’s amazing what a banana on the edge of being unripe (so still showing some green) can do: such bananas used to bung me up completely, now they’re giving me some sort of normality - well, for some of the time, though for best results one needs to be eaten after supper in the early evening. I also know that certain fruits will cause an issue, and eating raspberries (a fruit which is usually safe) after a vegetarian meal is likely to result in problems but not immediately - they start several (usually between 12 and 24) hours later. But the “why” is still proving elusive. Sorbitol intolerance is the one thing that hasn’t been tested for.
Any thoughts anyone?