Hi, Does anyone have rib pain when waking up, I have chronic pain and Trapezium knots in my back , shoulders and neck and I'm trying to figure out is this IBS related or pain related. As the Doctors don't seem to care, on a waiting list for physio. My IBS is quite calm , still have to go 2-3 times in the morning. Yet I would rather go than not . I'm living with constant stomach pains , least the flare up from last year has calmed down
Rib pain : Hi, Does anyone have rib pain when... - IBS Network
Rib pain

I would love for someone who has any idea wether this is IBS related, to answer. I’ve been dealing with this myself now for 17 months on and off. Honestly I had never wondered if mine was IBS related. I assumed it was peri-menopause ( related ) if I’m being completely honest. I’m so used to living with pain ( from the age of 11 I suffered horrendous periods, with excruciating cramps) which actually made child birth pretty much a walk in the park. My cramps were so painful I’d almost pass out, my mum always made fun at me accusing me of faking them. She didn’t believe menstrual cramps existed as she had never had one. I was so used to awful cramps I didn’t know I was in labour, I thought it was a mild water infection. Turned out I was 8cm dilated and actually in active labour! So I have years of monthly crippling pain to thank for an easy birthing. I seemed to hit 20, having menstrual cramps still that were crippling, then came IBS, Cohn’s disease does run in my family. However my dr has said I fortunately don’t appear to have it. That I should simply reduce stress exposure. I’m still trying to figure out how exactly do you succeed in doing so. I’ve lived with ibs pain now for 23 years, I simply assumed the rib, neck and back pain was just something else to add to the list.
I feel every time I see a doctor I’m shrugged off, I genuinely feel like they think I’m a hypochondriac. I feel like I’m listened too, patted on the back and sent away. Living with pain is difficult to say the least. Does anyone else suffer with mouth and gum issues before a bad flare up? I seem to know one is coming by the health of my gums, it burns to brush my teeth, so much so I have at times switched to childrens toothepaste as the burning when using even the mildest adult toothpaste is what I can only describe as brushing my teeth with acid. My whole gums, upper and lower, sometimes my tongue also, burns like a burn caused by scolding hot water.
I have felt so isolated by pain and health issues, thankfully my husband is unbelievably caring, understanding and loving. He has never, not once been anything but caring, helping and loving. It genuinely upsets him when my bouts are at their worst. Anyone else, they aren’t so understanding. I’ve even been told I can control my pain by telling my brain it isn’t real, that I control my health and that my body doesn’t. That I’m imagining it, exaggerating. It has led me to lie and act as though I’m fine, then, become so isolated and honestly, a recluse. Now, because I don’t bother seeing other people, I’m being told how missed I am, to pull myself together and to take control of my life. I genuinely feel like I can’t win, I no longer have endless energy to put on a smile, and be the one who’s always bubbly making everyone else feel better, hence my isolation. It’s exhausting pretending that I am 100% when in reality I’m not even close. I don’t know if Covid made me reevaluate my life, and I simply decided I’m not struggling anymore to please others. I’ve always put others first and been there when I have been wanted or needed, as I was always told I know exactly how to cheer people up and make them laugh so much. I never said the toll it took on me to do that. Now, I’m being honest, people think Covid broke me! Which makes me feel shitty, I feel selfish by not living the lie anymore, by not rushing to pick others up. I simply feel though, that life is too short, I want to enjoy life a little with my wonderful husband, rather than always being there for others. Again, it makes me feel so selfish. I’m not having a pity party, nor am I fishing for attention, I’m merely expressing how these have affected my life for years and would love someone’s take on this, as I genuinely didn’t think it might be related to my bowels and digestive issues.
Hi Droidus, I can relate to a lot of what you have written. My periods were atrocious, and more than once I was found passed out in the loo at work. My Mum was the same, and so was my daughter. It is not selfish to look after yourself. Let people think what they like, you can't change that. Your husband is an absolute gem. Mine was also wonderful and caring. Is your doctor aware of your mouth soreness? It can be a Crohns symptom. My little brother has Crohns. When you are a Mum, your default setting is to put others first and it is hard to stop doing that.
Yes I have had rib pain for years, I find it worse when Im Sitting for too long. I have always assumed it is musle related.Because, I too suffer with musle pains in shoulders , neck, and arms. I also have lBS
Very bad at times, but don't think it's related.
I have tried to make doctors understand how I feel with pains but they just looked puzzled.
I have now got one doctor who has tried me on steroids for six weeks and after three days felt so much better.
That might be something you can ask about.
As for physio they have told me anything they do is only short term. Relief. I wish you well.
I wonder if you might have fibromyalgia. Sometimes people who have that also can have IBS.
I just wanted to share my experience in case its of any use. I too have rib pain on right side. I also have pain in trapezius muscle , radiating down arm to elbow and hand.Also pain radiating into breast, down side, into waist area and towards belly button.
I have been diagnosed with IBS too
Its been so frustrating over years to try and get anyone to understand the pain . Ive basically had every test and scan possible ..liver, ovaries, breast screening, bloods, cameras both up and down. Apart from twice finding polyps during colonoscopy which resolved some immediate issues , nothing has ever been found. So my diagnosis has been basically IBS and muscular pain. I have at various times been to physio but not really found any improvement.
I keep IBS under control by avoiding wheat, avoiding too many fruit and veg ( i can cope with 3 portions a day not 5) , eating smaller but regular meals, and not eating late .
I take mebervine, plus a probiotic, plus a vitamin supplement. I also have amytryptalin at night which as well as helping with pain, I believe slows the gut down and helps with IBSD. I also take paracetamol in the day for.
I think it had helped that all tests over the years have basically shown nothing untoward and the only explanation left is muscular. I wondered about fibromyalgia but I have read that for fibromyalgia pain is on both sides of body , but mine is just one side.
Pain definitely radiates and I wonder if yoj have similar to me , ie pain in trapezius muscle is radiating to your ribs? I hope you can get some answers and i wish you wellxx