Does IBS cause you to feel pain in your anus after a bowel movement? Even if it's soft, easy to pass
Does IBS cause pain with bowel movements? - IBS Network
Does IBS cause pain with bowel movements?

it’s a horrible thing ,, I have been trying to explain how it feels for me ,,, for you ,,,and I’m just lost for words,, iv been trying to understand and figure out these problems with ibs for 2 and a half yrs ,,,vile
I'm sorry, I understand it's very stressful
Do you experience anal pain after bowel movements even when they are easy to pass?
Have you had a colonoscopy?
Iv had all sorts of oscopies ,, both ways and it’s vile but necessary ,,, all negative but left to figure out the problem myself ,, no advice , no offer of dietitians,, no further tests ,, was confused to where exactly the pain was coming from and what the cause was ,,, drive me crazy trying to figure it all out ,, The research became ridiculous,, one type of food is good for you but made me miserably ill ,,, from my from my stomach to my throat and down to the bum ,, it’s not even funny ,,, it’s been hell quite frankly ,,, and took me a long uncomfortable time to finally find a meal I can cook for myself and eat without after holding onto a painful stomach etc etc ,,, in answer to your question I did have pain lower down before and after with the No 2,s ,, the bowels had a thing going on all , on its own ,,,,,, vile ,!!!!, hope you feel better soon my friend
For me the pain can start up to an hour before the bowel movement. A heavy dull ache. I feel sluggish. Yes even when easy to pass it can be very painful. It seems to burn and I have to lay down for at least 10 minutes after, as I'm left exhausted! It has been suggested that it is effecting the venus nerve. Maybe? But what can you do about that?
Yes. I have IBS-C and I often get a cramp like pain in my rectum after passing stool. Sometimes it is a sore bottom perhaps a fissure but rarely any blood. However I have an enlarged prostate too and that also gives cramp like pains in the bottom so it's difficult to tell which is the cause - I believe both conditions are responsible.
Having said that I believe anxiety is also a major factor and sometimes relaxing/mindfulness can make the pain disappear.
I agree my friend ,, iv been through the stress ,,, and I can see that stress now yrs ahead but not at the time ,, bodies are extremely complicated and so is the power of the mind ,, we have to be positive and eat the right things for our stomach at the time. ,, all the crap they put in foods nowadays,, is it any wonder ,,. it just stresses you out more to be honest till it’s figured out ,,which takes time ,,, uncomfortably,, !!!! hope you feel better soon .