Does anyone here know what causes sticky stools that are difficult to pass completely, & leave some behind so that I have to keep wiping for about 8 or 9 times before I`m clean? It`s so annoying.
sticky bowel movements.: Does anyone here know... - IBS Network
sticky bowel movements.

Hey, I've had the same problem before. I think it's related to not having enough fiber in your diet. As far as i know, fibre builds bulk and will make it less sticky. Hope it helps.
After using loo roll then use water to wash your bum like the muslims do that way you will be really clean
It is due to IBS. I have been on every diet and medication for IBS-D and nothing really works.
Are you following low FODMAP? It may be worth taking a probiotic or digestive enzyme to support a healthier digestion. I recently had a bad flare up but learnt a few things have a read up on the following and see what you learn about your own digestive issues -
I've decided to try both.
Good luck x
Hi hairyfairy, I had the exact same problem for years & just put up with it until my ibs flared badly last Christmas. I have done the Fodmap diet along with gluten free & this helped enormously with ibs d but I found I sill had the sticking problem because most fruit & veg don't agree with me. I take a probiotic, Alflorex & a prebiotic , Flourishe, which seems to have solved my problem altogether. The Flourishe from Naturesbest on line has been fantastic for me, keeps me regular once or twice a day but can cause flatulence to begin with! Hope this helps.
Hi out ther I've finally left my marriage is like the arsenal it's over for them but hopefully not mine were who we are and we will FIGHT for what we want always have always will just after fun "@ laughter as we go
Yes I no how annoying Otis your ******* it in case all my life is full of shit you no I've only got my wife Nike and all my family good bad or indigent they don't want to no so nothing we can do about it jog on
Hi out there my eyes adoured you is on and I haven't cried🙌🏻 still gutted tho but what is ment to be is ment to be my wife has left me with a piece of her ❤️ and I've left a piece of my ❤️ who was it who said its better to have loved than never at all or something like that I used to love poetry loop exit my music and not all sloppy musher ones I love loads like me mum and dad we all used to sing I am the magic singer what can you play then we would pretend to play but by time the end would come to go round again we'd forget what🎸🎺🎷🎹we were🤔😂
SOZ pressed the wrong button again whoever said the tinternet is easy either that or they were well educated like typing done me head in cos no way do you just press a button my **** they want your p45 and all that I was looking for something and up pops get Biafra here I don't need Biafra I'm as bent as a nine Bob note you only want to to your local not the scenic route
SOZ pressed wrong one🙄🤓 I was listening to didn't we almost have it all well the ref haven't blown his whistle yet oh yer I watched my team today finally only the highlights but that's all we need to know 👀 whose coming up the hill boys they all laughed at us they all mocked at us they all d our days were numbered well ARNOE swazaigger WERE BACKand for me personally I think we should bring our boys back who stuck with us threw thick and thin and get training for the Jan sales we all deserve it we won 96 -0 it matters we all no the top dogs will creep out of it all and leave it to the ones who do the job everyday while the top creeps slither away like the🐀. We won anyway showed what they are
He's my brother or bruvver on the arryoaky 🤓 one of my close friend nos what I'm on about😂🤓 oh yer were back I never ever bet on my team it's not about money I just want us to win win win I have an outrageous bet in my head but wouldn't put it on cos I will put the movies on it and we believe we can do what we came to do and be the ones to fear like always we can fight th prove is in the oven
Hi out there just very 😪 today they have changed my Garry's (tablets) yet again my sister and family are around me but just feel soooo sad today. I just lost it all the time I wait and wait and wait and nothing changes Groundhog Day they all burn my head out I think they think I'm acting or something including the wife just very cold I know my wife and she never looks at me the way she used to do and I no she's got a poker face but I can see the way she looks at me I think she's lost it for me since my mum died she had her ribs badly bruised caused nerve damage and she just stayed in bed I say 2 years but she says 3 and no point arguing the toss to be honest I can't remember how long it was not threw our own fault one of her sisters the worst one out of them was fighting with her neighbours yet again and she phoned us of courses I the wife woke me up to go down and help her yet again don't get me wrong they were neighbours from hell(there mother left them gets and she met a fella on the net and moved in with him and so they were left to it and the wife's sister had the 2 ladsin the house Nike being one so we went down she'd gone to see another member of the family anyway a fight broke out so me being me grabbed the girl my wife was trying to stop me and her boyfriend karate kicked my wife I got arrested and her sisters 🐀fella as well.I didn't even no until the copper👮🏻 said booked in at 8-45AM what I thought it was the afternoon😡💤😴 so I just slept all day they let me out at 10-30 PM. My wife got took to hospital my god it was a nightmare she was in agony and treated me like a dog she blamed me for going for the girl not. Her brat sister like who disappeared for the 2/3 years but it was my fault. Her baby sister always came first in her eyes always has and always will,that's not to say I don't stick to my family but my youngest brother is exactly the same he's in a hostel now he's an alcoholic liar cheat Takes what he wants from you then causes murder lies and cheats just like the brat but there our brats and we just had to let our brother get on with it you no we tried everything we got him2 flats done them up and a house and he just dumped them leaving all the stuff we bought so my wife has to let her go
Yes me to x
miralax causes this