Have been suffering with chronic constipation for that last 2 years, plus pain in the pelvic floor area & rectum. Mixture of pressure & burning pain. My NHS Gastro & physio appointments are currently 3/4mths apart so if I make any kind of improvement it is diminished by the time I get back to them as a new symptom has occurred. Anyway for the last 8mths have had very big bowel movements in the morning, followed by pain all day. (High Fibre diet & Magnesium citrate at night). 3mths ago this stopped and now back to Chronic constipation. My Gastro has put me on Prucalopride 2mg which I currently take each night. Have been on this a week. Bowel movements are now really super soft. Lots of narrow stools and leakage late in the day. Any tips on the best time to take this, dosage, do I need to reduce fibre. Also long term effects. So desperate for something to work that I didn’t ask enough questions. Next appointment with Gastro is now 7ths time.