hi guys so I have been severely constipated for the past 2 years. I get severely bloated looking like I’m pregnant ! I also have trapped gas. I don’t feel the poop in my stomach. I feel it in my rectum. It is soft stools when it does come out but has no form and I can never empty myself completely and also I use the bathroom like once in two weeks- three weeks! I am suffering in pain because of this and when I am able to go or pass gas I feel relieved. I literally feel all the stool in my rectum but it won’t come out. Like I try to strain but it still won’t come out. How come i feel it in my rectum but it won’t come out. Have no urge. I have poop there and I feel it but it just doesn’t tell me go to the bathroom. Any advice on what it may be? Because I don’t believe this is ibs
constipation: hi guys so I have been severely... - IBS Network

Go see a Gastro doctor
Have you been diagnosed with IBS-C? If so, have you tried gradually increasing fibre in your diet? Also, since it is so bad, you need to be under the guidance of a GP and/or gastro until it is better managed.
yes that’s what I’m diagnosed with but I don’t believe it’s that !! All my tests were normal but it’s like why am I feeling my stool in the rectum ? And it won’t come out like it doesn’t make sense . It just builds up and the trapped gas sits in my rectum as well! I only feel better when I relieve everything .
You might need to go back to your GP and ask for further investigation. When I did a google search regarding what you are experiencing it came up with this:
hi I have the same feeling as well. I’ve now started fibregel twice a day it seems to be working as I’ve tried lots of other things people suggested on here. But only thing my stomach is so bloated with it so I’m going to experiment with just lactulose for next couple of days and only take fibre gel when I need it. But definitely try the fibregel I order online from Amazon U.K. it’s horrible because you can feel the stool there but no urge to go. I use to have ibs d I thought that was bad enough but this is worse. I know have such bladder problems because my bowel leans on my bladder as I don’t have my uterus anymore to separate them. Hope the fibre gel works for you as it does work but the bloating is bad perhaps you won’t get that as I was born with a bowel twice since of a normal one. Good luck
If you can feel a stool in your rectum try inserting a glycerin suppository it should help you.
it doesn’t help. I did one yesterday along with an enema and nothing came out and I was in even more pain
Hello Liv12b. I feel your pain. You mentioned that you took an enema. Was it one of the Fleet type that is about one cup worth of fluid? I take painkillers daily and it causes constipation for me. Luckily for me, my wife is very understanding and helps me out. We have a 2 quart enema bag that we fill with water and add a little salt and baking soda. You have to take it slow but she administers it to me and it gives me a very good clean out. I know most people do not like the feeling of an enema but over time, you get used to it. If you take the full 2 quarts, you will most likely have some terrible cramps due to all the waste built up in there but if you're successful in taking it all, you will feel so much better afterwards. Once you get cleaned out, it's a good idea to take one every few days so as not to get so backed up again. Good luck and let me know how it goes.
I think you should see your GP Liv12b
It could be tenesmus
I have had something similar - it's called dysfunctional constipation or dyssergenic defecation which means the problem is to do with the coordination of pelvic and ano- rectal muscles. If you 'squeeze' when you should relax then you will end up with 'incomplete evacuation' and all the misery that goes with it.
Ask to see a GI physiotherapist in a hospital gastroenterology department and they will be able to teach you bowel retraining so that you relearn how to breathe and relax to restore normal bowel movements. It takes time and isn't easy but it does help a great deal. Incomplete bowel evacuation causes enormous anxiety which doesn't help when you need to wait and relax and only 'go' when the urge is strong. Difficult too when you have a constant sense of needing to go because your rectum isn't emptying properly. Good luck - ask your GP to refer you or go privately and look for a pelvic floor physiotherapist - this is their speciality!! And they're usually incredibly empathetic and supportive.
even if I’m relaxed it still won’t come out. It just wants to come out whenever it feels like and I’m feeling it everyday and even when I go it’s never complete and I feel constipated still and then my trapped gas starts but it never has a form and it’s very soft so I’m confused