This all started after wiping too much and has left me for the past week with a sore anus. Feels worse when sitting. Feels like it burns and I don't have history of hemorrhoids. Anyone else experienced this?
Tight anus sensation: This all started after... - IBS Network
Tight anus sensation

Yep, but I do have internal piles. KY jelly may help it won't do any harm, Doctors use it all the time. I sometimes use vasaline only on outside, may give some relief. Good luck.
I find the use of a warm face flannel helps then apply vaseline afterwards but being a female even 2 wee have wipe myself with soft loo paper feels like being cut in 2 with a sharp knife so at times that seem pointless again today it feels like sitting on rocks so can't get comfy at all
I don't have piles. But every time I had a big flare up when I might go for a #2 anything from 6 to 9 times in 24 hours, I got a sore anus. It felt irritated and burning. And my hands also got dry and cracked from washing them too much, but that's another story.
So what I have learned to do now in one of those flare ups that stops the soreness, is not to wipe with dry paper, even really soft loo paper. What I do is I make little pads of the paper and wet them, and only wipe with those. Then I get smaller pads and pat dry, don't wipe. The difference was amazing.
Another thing you could try is some aloe vera lotion which you could put on little pads of loo paper.
I've had something similar during flare ups - best thing I've found is to use moist toilet tissue (Andrex Aloe Vera is very gentle) and Sudocrem is good too. I've also used Bepanthem Nappy Cream and that's really good.
you could try a cream / ointment with lidocaine as a numbing agent on the outside area. May need a prescription though.
I have this problem also I try a warm face flannel helps 2 sooth it then vaseline after patting it dry as wiping it feels like being cut with a sharp knife they say loo roll is soft I beg 2 differ I am like this again today even tried forcing the stuff out 2 see if that may help but that hurt things inside me I didn't know that I had!!!! and that only made the pain and discomfort worse "CATCH22" with it again I am also scared 2 eat as what goes in must come out and full of dread and fear as 2 what that will be as we only know 2 well what can happen don't we!!! if only there was one simple pill or tablet we could take and all would be well with us until anyone has walked a day in our shoes then perhaps people would be more understanding I even got a stool 2 put under my feet 2 see if that can help but that's like re-training ourselves to go loo all over again I wish I could be more help Take Care!!!!
When this happens to me, I will put a pad in my underwear then apply some hand cream to my anus. Vaseline Intensive Care works very well. I've also used just plain Vaseline ointment but you have to be careful with staining. I'll apply the ointment to the outside but also push a little just inside to soothe the anus lining.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to share all the tips and suggestions.
Im still trying to understand why the tight sensation and burning happens (not caused by hemorrhoids)
I think it's likely to be inflammation and irritation from a lot of wiping, and obviously having to "go" makes it worse, then the whole cycle begins again and it doesn't get chance to heal up, because that area is "busy" (at least once a day!)
Another thought I had is it might be a yeast infection in the skin there? Anal skin is really delicate (considering what it has to do !)