I have taken a sachet of Movicol every night for the past 7 years after a rectocele repair and hysterectomy. On top of the IBS I've suffered from for 30 years, the need to take Movicol is the bane of my life because it exacerbates the IBS symptoms.
I've recently had to increase the Movicol to 1.5 sachets nightly and the bloating, minor constant cramping and vague nausea are getting me down. Sometimes our structural problems mean that diet/exercise/water don't work and I have tried all of them. I had an anal manometry a while ago and my muscles don't work very well so the consultant said Movicol was the best to take long term.
I've tried various probiotics and really thought Alflorex was the winner for 2 months - but now back to the daily slog of pain and bloating so obviously not!
I feel in a catch 22 situation - I have to take the Movicol (and I really do), and the side effects with a higher dose are making life miserable. Thanks for letting me offload!