Hi All,I've been on and off this forum for somtime now,so I don't want to bore people,but I do just have a question.
I've had what I assume is IBS for some years now,but it has progressed quite a lot.From having 1 BM a day to 4 BM a day,not D but also not C, just have to sit a while and it comes in bits. Now not to sound to discussting,but when I wipe myself I sometimes feel a lump,when my hubby took a look for me one day,he said this little lump,seemed to pop back in when I stood up.
The thing is my GP is useless ,but at the same time I'm worrying myself sick that it could be a Prolapsed Bowel. Anyone who has this have you got any advise,plus I frightened to go to the toilet now in case I make it any worse,but obviously I have to go.
Thank you in advance if you've took the time to read this post.