I'm still so worried about my left sided abdomen pain that's been going on for over 12months now and I've had seen the gastro consultant a few time who sent me for blood tests, ultras cans and in August I had an abdomen and pelvic scan with contrast and the results were normal but I'm still having this pain every day, if I twist my upper body from left to right the pain hurts or when I turn in the car at junctions i get a pain in left side only. I'm so still worried as tests are all ok but what can this be? Is it worry and anxiety as I'm worried sick, what other tests are there? I did have a colonoscopy in Nov 2019 and apart from lots of gas all ok, is gas pain causing this?
Abdomen pain after ct scan: I'm still so worried... - IBS Network
Abdomen pain after ct scan
stress/anxiety adds to the problem … try acupuncture and meditation for the anxiety
if you gastro can’t find anything ask to be referred to a pain management specialist they will be able to help you if there is nothing structurally wrong. I don’t think it’s anxiety if it’s been going on for 12 months but could be the nerves if the scans are not showing anything. Do you have bowel issues toilet wise?x
I seem to go quite regular to the loo in the morning but have had the odd changes over the last 12months, I'm constipated sometimes over what I eat but I sleep OK with no pain whatsoever but sometimes a pain when i turn in bed with gassy noises.
My loo times are usually between 7 and 10 every morning, usually ok but sometimes looser or harder, but it's this leftside under the ribs I have all the time really since end of July, when I turn to the left from my upper body its a strain type pain but just when I turn that's all, no pain when walking.
I,d say it’s definitely gas, I had to go to A&E a few months ago it was that bad, turned out to be trapped wind! Dreadful! I,m going for MRI in a hours time, dreading it😰
I suffer from IBSC and often get pain on left side (depending bowel) iv had every test under the sun. I've come to the conclusion that it is muscular. Strained from the effort as my bowels are sluggish. Having accepted that I have less anxiety about it and don't get it so often. It is a chicken or the egg thing.
Yes last November I had really bad pain that only eased slightly when I stood up but when it was checked at the A&E they said it sound very gassy. My ultrasound scan also said svery gassy.
Well ,it sounds like IBS to me,but then its a guess- Do not be alarmed - change your diet to an alkaline diet - No sugar no fried food no spicy curry - cut out tomatoes(acidic) cut out alcohol- start eating fresh veg and fruit - look up the low fod map diet - stick to low fod map food ,avoid high fod map foods ,look it these up online- i use ORIGO drops in my drinking water as it offsets the acidity in your stomach - stop eating at 7 pm just drink tea,decaffinated,or herbal tea- so the ORIGO drops can be found on Amazon . it will get better ,but stop the intake of sugar as this inflames your tummy,and you don't want that anymore.
thanks tummylife, I’m going to try the low fodmap diet in the new year, I only get thr griping pain when I turn my upper body from the middle to left. And it’s ok when I turn to the right side. I remember back in mid july this year I lifted a very heavy bag of stones into the boot of my car then hoisted the bag out of my boot and carried it up some stairs to my mums garden, could I have strained something but it’s like 6 months ago.
Calamity 64... hi you mentioned the lifting- ok that sounds like an intercostal muscle strain - i could be wrong ,but thats going to come back if you lift heavy stuff ,so rest rest rest with that , parachtamol would help. every four hours if its painful- i had intercostal muscle strian ,and it hurt ,but with rest it will eventually go away. Provided you stop lifting etc.. hope you recover soon all the best chris
i began w lower left quadrant abdominal pain about a year ago. Docs made no comment tho my research suggested ileocecal valve disorder. There are YouTube exercises/massage techniques which have provided me some relief. The massages are simple and non-intrusive. I also found a PUBMED reviewed OTC med called Iberogast to take when that valve spasms. Research it and see what you think and check w doc. Good luck beh