Advice please. Am I being fobbed off by GP!! - IBS Network

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Advice please. Am I being fobbed off by GP!!

Rolo0510 profile image
19 Replies

Hi all I’m new here. Have ibs-d for over a year now and it’s affecting my work life! I had to ring in sick yesterday and I’m worried that I’m going to be on a warning. I’m a nurse and the nhs is pretty strict on sick leave!

I saw my gp again today and I guess I was hoping for a referral or a definite diagnosis but she’s given me mebeverine and I’ve got to do another calprotectin sample which I think will be negative. I asked for dietician referral and she said they wouldn’t see me unless I had kept a diary so I’m starting that tomorrow.

Don’t know if I’m being dramatic or not I think I just felt more hopeful! For a while now my stool has been quite a bright yellow and greasy but I can flush it away (sorry). Is this normal for ibs? Also I very rarely have proper formed stools and had groin and hip ache for the first time yesterday. I’m feeling very sorry for myself!! 🙄 hope someone can help!!

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Rolo0510 profile image
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19 Replies
Maureen1958 profile image

You may want to check out BAM (Bile Acid Malabsorption). See link below:


Rolo0510 profile image
Rolo0510 in reply to Maureen1958

thanks I’ll have a look!

Luisa22 profile image

I feel for you. IBS is a b**ch. It's sad that for a caring profession, when you need the care sick leave is a luxury! I know how hard nurses work. I have a friend who is a nurse.

Not having normal formed stools is pretty par for the course with IBS-d, though I have periods of time when I get perfect bm's before it flares up again for a short time (usually for no reason I can work out). But that normality can go on for weeks with me. Not everyone with IBS gets that. I'm lucky I think.

I do sometimes get lower back ache with flare ups, but my lower back is a weak spot in its own right. I never know if the IBS causes it or vice-versa, or they are 2 separate things. So your aches and pains I can relate to. But there might be other reasons for them with's hard to tell.

But yellow greasy stool? Some might get that but I never did, Neither do I get smelly stool or smelly flatulence. There might be something else also going on, but I am not an expert or a doctor.

Have you had blood tests, check pancreas function and liver function? Could there be some kind of infection? So stool tests might be a good idea too.

Sunshinefordays31 profile image
Sunshinefordays31 in reply to Luisa22

hi Luisa22, just saw this post and had to reply as sounds really similar to me! My IBSD started about a year after having my little boy, and a couple of months after my periods coming back. It’s been over 2 years now and I’m convinced it’s related to hormonal changes over the course of my menstrual cycle, coupled with a bacterial imbalance in my stomach (I paid for an expensive test for this and it showed this) and possible SIBO. I started taking Biokult and really adjusted my diet to focus mostly on eating whole foods and reducing dairy and gluten (haven’t fully eliminated as have a history of eating disorders and just don’t want to go too far on that front) - my diet was full of processed low cal foods before and I think that’s what ruined my gut micro biome. On the SIBO front, I got a test on the nhs earlier this year after which they put me on antibiotics as my readings were too high to even do the test. Didn’t have any flare ups for 6 months (!!!!) but sadly started again a few months ago - always the few days before my period starts. I started taking L glutamine about a month ago and haven’t had a flare up yet so might be worth a try - just got the tablets on Amazon. Sorry, that’s a bit of a brain dump but I thought I’d throw that out there given just how similar our situations seem to be. Hope that helps x

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xjrs profile image

Yellow greasy stools don't sound typical of IBS.

I looked up fatty stools and yellow stools and got these links:

It sounds like you need a wider range of tests than just those for IBS. I am not saying it is anything else, but worth eliminating anything else.

I would normally say to find out exactly what is going on before trying any treatments, but because this is badly affecting your work, there is no harm in trying a probiotic that has been scientifically studied for IBS in the first instance, since many people with IBS have a gut bacterial imbalance. Alflorex is such a probiotic and worked best for me. In fact, I would try Alforex prior to any elimination and reintroduction diet, since it can make you more tolerant to different foods.

bburzycki profile image

First step is always diet analysis, these days drugs (at least for me) are only a patch and not a solution. As in I use them to get me past a terrible day, but usually the side effects are worse than the issue in the days to come.

I would say push harder for a solution, get a real diagnosis by multiple Dr's, and make sure one of them is a specialist in GI issues. You also might one from both a standard GI DR and also a GI Dr that specializes in a more overall approach as in many cases gut issues are less the gut and more the mind or other factors.

It can be a long haul with lots of work on the end of the patient, but if you are not eating well and working out (even just walking) you will want to analyze those as part of the process. You said you are a nurse, so high stress = gut issues. All those factors need to be taken into consideration.

Rolo0510 profile image

Thanks for the replies everyone. There’s certainly a lot to think about. I’m going to start with the diary and sample but I’m definitely going to get a second opinion. Honestly never understood how awful ibs was for people until I got it!

trace55 profile image

Hi I have been on mebeverine for a few years now but you just get left on them indefinitely but they do work i find twice a day enough but would rather get a more permanent answer.

Crystal89 profile image

Hi Rolo, I'm sorry to hear that you're going through this. As a sufferer of ibs-d for many many years, I can fully sympathise.

Because there is no correct, definite way for diagnosing ibs, it comes down to trial and error. The first thing you'll need to try and work out is, is your ibs triggered by anxiety /stress/worry, by diet or maybe a bit of both? My ibs is 99% of the time triggered by anxiety. Just last night my husband came down with covid like symptoms and I was straight in the loo. Always helpful. When I am having an ibs flare, my stools can range greatly. Sometimes they will be soft and mushy, other times it will just be bright yellow mucus (this sounds to be what you were describing? It's very common to have this with ibs) which can also leave like a fatty film layer on top of the water and other times, it can be really rubbish and be liquid.

I also do get a lot of cramping when it is bad, around where I would get period pains and around my back. I was put on to Mebeverine over 5 years ago, 1 x 3 times a day and it has saved my life. Of course I still suffer but it has given me my life back where I am mostly in control of it.

The only sure thing that I can advise is to find the cause. Are you anxious, without maybe even being fully aware of it? I have a friend who is also a nurse in the NHS and she struggles a lot. It's a hard job. It's a catch 22 situation with anxiety because the more the symtoms flare, the worse the ibs becomes.

Maybe start with a journal and also start with a food diary. At least then youre tackling this from both sides and see how the next few weeks go.

This forum has been my go to for many years when I am all out of hope. You don't have to reply but knowing that there is a community there that you can express how you feel to, and you know it will be understood and no one will judge, really has helped me so I do hope you use this tool when ever you need it.

I hope today is a little better for you. All the best to you x

Pansophy profile image

IBS symptoms may be secondary and or psychological (I don’t mean imaginary), anxiety or worry based. Diary of life, lifestyle and diet could help enormously. If there is a Dr in work, ask what they would do if presented a patient with your type of stool. Biological system interactions are hugely complex. The medication is to help with the symptoms, whilst further investigations are carried out, Make an appointment with a different doctor to discuss your next test results if you feel your current dr is dismissive. Chat to someone in work, is there a union rep? Main thing is to realise wheels are turning.

Hetchins1946 profile image

I get the impression that you're in the UK.

As this is a long term condition your employer should know about it - speak to your manager or HR - so that they can make 'reasonable adjustments' to your work life. You are, in law, a disabled employee, even if you don't look at yourself that way. Reasonable Adjustments might include making allowance for unpredictable abscence (perhaps by making the time back) or extra toilet breaks.

The other first line source of support and advice will be your RCN rep' if you feel comfortable approaching them.

Your manager or HR may refer you to your Occupational Health service. Depending on your Trust they may be absolutely great or completely hopeless (mine were hopeless, my wife's were great!)

Whitesugar profile image

you can't have a diagnosis of IBS without other tests to rule out other conditions. The stool description should be a flag for Bile Acid Malapsorbtion. I was fobbed off for 40 years. Be strong x

Jacko37 profile image

have you been tested for Coeliac disease, only asking because greasy stools is a typical symptom in Coeliac disease, good luck.

Xhouse profile image

My sympathies. I had IBS-d for the longest time, over a year at least. It was terrible. Affected everything I did, getting caught short 6/7 times a day. I was prescribed Fybogel (which you can also buy over the counter), the powdered sachets, not the tablets. It worked for me like a magic spell. From the very first day of taking it, the symptoms were gone. Still on it after a couple of years as it's a natural product. But I thank all my lucky stars for the day I started on Fybogel. May not work just as well for everyone. But if you've not tried it, it's perhaps worth a shot. I take one sachet (orange flavour) after my evening meal.

Rolo0510 profile image

Thanks again for all the replies. Going to keep a diary starting tomorrow and try and eat a bit better. Tricky for a fussy eater and not a great cook! Definitely seeing a different GP and maybe contacting my union/occ health dept for advice. I think I also eat too late at night as well. Being a shift worker can’t be good for your gut as you eat at all the wrong times! I’m so glad I found this forum as its great for support and advice from others who know how it feels. ☺️

HowNowWhatNow profile image


As you are a nurse, I’m sure you’ve thought through the other various options your symptoms could be part of so I just wanted to check - have you had an endoscopy or colonoscopy?

Rolo0510 profile image

Not yet no. Probably because all of my bloods and samples have been negative and I’m not passing blood. I also have terrible reflux so I think when I go back I should push for it.

Edith0 profile image

Hi Rolo0510

I’m not going to comment on IBS symptoms and stool type as I think it is so varied and different for each case.

What I would say is push for the dietitian referral, my GP happily referred me with no mention of a food diary and even the dietitian didn’t insist. I have to say the dietitian was the best appointment I had by far, she spent over an hour listening to me, a rare trait for a medical practitioner in my view. She referred me for more blood tests that my GP had refused to do. We worked on FODMAP together and that was the game changer.

In terms of work my own experience was that I took a big chunk of sick leave and was then referred to occupational health who were clear with my employers that IBS was a long term condition and therefore fell within the disability discrimination act. That had to be taken into consideration if I was off sick as a result of the IBS. My advice would be to ask your employer for an occupational health referral.

I hope you get things sorted and a clear diagnosis and support, all the very best.

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