DO you guys think that having tiny cupcakes will hurt your gut? In plain,simple language,Can anyone explain why sugar hurts IBS PEOPLE? I really dont understand this. But,I have a mental block to understanding why some foods are ok and others not?
Right now,I am in high anxiety mode. I am all stuffed up. I dont have pain. I just feel all of this pressure in my anal area. I hate it so much. Is this normal? Do u feel it there? I dont have a stomach ache.
Now, i am thinking,can I have that salmon I bought right now? Can I try that delicious piece of chicken? Can I eat the salad alone or will it hurt my stomach?Oh,heres a weird question I have been wanting an answer to: I have been eating alot of Japanese sticky rice.... Does that mean it will come out a bit sticky on the other side? Lol.
I think the answer is that I need to stay away from sticky rice.
Right now,my face is getting hot again, and the IBS-C has me very uncomfortable. I am thankful that I hardly get stomach pain with ibS-C.
Its hard for me to take care of myself right now. My body doesnt want to move.
What happens to you when u get IBS C?
What do you think about sticky rice?
Why is sugar bad for me?
What foods do u eat,,when you have IBS,C?
Thanks very much.
I hope all of you are feeling comfortable right now.
Btw,I have to gain weight re: doctors orders. Last check,I was 101 lbs and 5 foot 1 inch.
Luv and hugs,