Hello, I'm new here but this site is amazing it's so nice not to feel so very alone. I'm posting to every community I follow because I couldn't decide which community to post this on as my problems are with IBS anxiety and depression. I could really use some advice from people who know how awful it is to feel like this.
I'll give you the cliff notes version to catch you up. Since I was six I've had really awful IBS-d, school was hell and I wasn't able to do all the things normal people do at that age because I was to ill with my IBS or because my anxiety about my IBS stopped me participating. I strruggled through school but with my IBS so bad I couldn't imagine how I'd manage a life after school and crippling anxiety of having to leave the house every day to go to uni or work. So after I finished school I got badly depressed and couldn't figure out how my life could work. I ended up not being able to leave parents house for a year and I mean at all...walking round the garden was the furthest I got... It was mortifying to admit I couldn't leave even if I wanted to. I pushed away every friend I had, except one, incase they found out how bad things had got.
Now a couple of years on I've made a lot of progress. I've started my own business and work from home and after over a year of putting myself through twice daily exposure therapy I am now able to get to the nearest town (my parent live in rural area) and get out of the car. So it's time for the next faze of my 'getting better'.
I'm attempting to move out of my parents house. I got the keys to my new house today. I can see myself being happy there. And the super market, doctors and shop/pubs cafes are a short walk away. So it perfect for starting the next faze of my of recovery. I'm looking into CBT and already have weekly therapy. I'm doing the thought diary and am on anti anxiety meds and IBS meds. I've written a plan for small steps for exposure from go into the house... Spend an hour there decorating...to... walk to the supermarket, so I'm all set with a plan. Ive been anxious and excited in equal measures about this which i think is good sign. But today going into the house I was massively anxious about all the people around me. I'm used to living where I can only see one other house. And my new house is terraced. I was recently asssed and diagnosed with IBS, social anxiety, panic disorder, depression. So I know dealing with other people is a cause of anxiety for me. I guess I'm just asking for some advice on how to get used to dealing with people again and especially neighbours. I'm terrified of what they might think of me and that they might try and start a conversation with me. Please anyone with some advice I'd really appreciate it. I do have good social skills when I'm not stressed at home but this new situation it's a terrifying prospect to be seen by anyone let alone talk to anyone. This is really causing me a lot of anxiety and worry and Im scared I won't be able to deal with feeling like this for long enough for me to get used to my neighbours! But I'm determined to succeed and really want to be happy there...it's so frustrating.
Sorry for the long post, thanks for listening x