Has anyone else lost weight while they have had Ibs symptoms. I have also lost my appetite because I never feel hungry, last year I had a colonoscopy plus ultrasound and many other tests and Doctors can’t find anything wrong at all, I have terrible stomach pain and have been to A E three times and they also say it is IB S, I used to be a size 14 now I am a size 12, my motion is a good Color also it is hard to believe it is only lbs, because I am in pain almost every day, I have been tapering off the antidepressant 10mg for the last seven months I have often wondered if is withdrawel symptoms coming off this quite addictive drug.has anyone out there had a similar experience. I have been taking this drug for round about five years.
could this be withdrawel.: Has anyone else lost... - IBS Network
could this be withdrawel.

Hi, don't think these are withdrawal symptoms based on my own experiences in the past when trying to stop taking an antidepressant. Don't remember that I experienced pain.
I'm still taking an antidepressant. Need to take it since 2002, after acute abdominal surgery because of an ileus. A severe depression and anxiety disorder emerged after the surgery.
When I have pain it's because of the functional bowel problems, trapped gas in my smal bowel leading to slow transit constipation.
I have functional bowel problems and have lost weight in the past 3 to 4 years and it's hard for me to gain some, struggling not to loose more weight.
'Plumming' has been examined thoroughly and nothing wrong with the structure I've been told. Gastroenterologist doesn't know either what's causing my bowel problems.
Still under investigation (since 2019) what the root cause of my functional bowel problems is. Could be atypical / nonclassic cystic fibrosis and my DNA is now being examined by the laboratory of an university hospital.
Have you been tested for gluten intolerance?Even if Coeliac screen is negative there is something called non coeliac gluten intolerance which has no biomarkers, so you go on a strict gluten free diet and see if you feel better. I am sure you will avoid all the upf (ultraprocessed food) from the free from section.....
I find Symprove and Bimuno help and healthspan Aloe Vera tabs.
Good luck
Don't fall for the "it's only IBS" myth. I'm not sure how it's happened but there seems to be a belief that IBS is mild illness that goes away and it just isn't. I suspect it's come from people self diagnosing any stomach issue that last more than 48 hours as IBS. I've actually had people tell me that they had IBS once but have recovered - I find it very hard not to say something in response like "wow! How did you find a cure for an incurable illness?" or "how did you cope with the testing? I found the colonoscopy awful". I have once or twice and it's really made people squirm 😂 IBS is debilitating, painful and soul destroying. It literally ruins lives and it's not a mild illness you have for a few weeks or months before it goes away and never returns.
There seems to be some evidence of a link between mental/emotional health and IBS and certainly I know that if I'm stressed or upset then my IBS will flair-up. I use meditation and other stress reduction techniques as well as diet and exercise to control my symptoms along with medication. I believe there's been a positive response to very low dose antidepressants as well. I guess it's possible that coming off and antidepressants might cause flare-up but honestly I don't have enough knowledge or personal experience to say. It might be worth discussing with your gastroenterologist assuming you have one. Also might be worth seeing a medical dietician too if you've not already
Almost impossible to make an appointment with a doctor these days.
The thing with IBS is you have to become your own advocate and push to get what you need. As my grandmother used to say "the squeaky gate gets mended first" in other words be a polite pain in their ass. It took me 2 surgeries, 4 GPs and 14 months to get a referral to a medical dietician but it changed my life.
Some ads can help with ibs pain, eg amitrypt, maybe coming off them is increasing your pain.
I would not be surprised that withdrawel from Amitryptiline is making things worse.
I have the same problem with slow transit, pain and constipation and the doc prescribed me amitriptyline last year, I only took them for a while and stopped because they caused worse constipation. They are supposed to help with pain though if you don't suffer with constipation. Why are you coming off them if they work for you?
I do believe that antidepressants caused my IBS. Started taking citlopram SSRI 2 years ago for low mood and suicidal thoughts with no prior gut problems at all. Started to taper off and that's when all the problems started possibly down to excess serotonin. Doctor suggested going back on citlopram to help with IBSD but I have refused to go back on them. Started taking l-glutamine amino acids plus diet improvements whilst using pysillium husk supplements. I really don't want to rely on ADS for the whole of my life.
Hi Lamley,, Sorry for your pain.I've just come out of hospital , diagnosis IBS c. They rdid nothing for me except shove Oramorph down me and what an awful experience,stay clear. I'm on a concoction of drugs but nothing seems to help. I hope you find some relief.
I would bet that tapering off your SSRI will not be helping matters at all. Having been in withdrawal from SSRIs for the last 21 months I have experienced hellish gastro symptoms. I have also spent a lot of time researching and reading other people’s experiences and IBS type symptoms are frequently reported. If you visit the website survivingantidepressants.org you will read countless stories from people who have developed IBS whilst taking or withdrawing from these medications, many of whom have had to undergo colonoscopies, scans, etc due to the severity of their symptoms. Many others were put on the medications in the first place to ‘help’ with their IBS symptoms and have ended up 100x worse off. It’s hard to believe that these drugs can affect your digestive system so much but considering 90% of your body’s serotonin is made in the digestive system, it makes sense. I really hope you begin to feel better soon.
I lost weight and had little appetite when I had IBS, and I've also seen posts by others in this forum where they mentioned their dietitian was trying to help them gain weight. But I didn't experience a lot of stomach pain like you have.
Thankyou so much for all your reply’s, x
Hi Lamly, how are you doing? Have you stopped your ads yet/ Has your IBSC improved?
I am still up and down with stomach pain burning in my rectrum but I have only just managed to come off my Amitryptiline which I have been taking approximately six years, I was doing fine till I come recently started taking antibiotics a week ago now my IBS bad stomach ache has flared up and I have diarrhoea, every time I go on antibiotics I suffer a flare up and I am in agony till o out two days after I stop them, it is possible I have some withdrawel from my Amitryptiline also. I will find after tomorrow when I finish my course. How are you these days, is there any improvement at all, Barbara.
It'll probably settle when the effect of the antibiotics ware off. I'm pretty much the same in pain 24/7 and constipated. I've been prescribed linaclotide which I take every few days, it makes me' go' but doesn't help with the pain. I have an appointment with special clinic in Salford next month, my last hope