Covid and stomach problems, are they linked? - IBS Network

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Covid and stomach problems, are they linked?

Bumpkin74 profile image
27 Replies


I recently had covid, just as I tested negative I had the worst stomach problem of my life with a twisted stomach (later found out it was an internal hernia which caused bowel blockage). I didn't link the two at all,even though there was another patient in hospital with a twisted bowel who had also just got over covid!!

Having read several accounts on here other people are making the connection between covid and ibs etc. Now I know it's very hard to prove this theory but I'm very interested to hear any other instances where the two could be linked. I'm starting to think maybe covid targets your weakness whether it be lungs, gut etc. Before covid I'd suffered with bloating, gas and excess acid for several years but it really wasn't affecting me too badly so I wasn't too concerned about it. I cut out dairy and it got a lot better so I just thought I was lactose intolerant.

thanks in advance


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Bumpkin74 profile image
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27 Replies
Linley profile image

I had Covid December 2019, it had me out of action for 4 weeks + but my IBS seemed to be OK, when I was free of Covid my IBS symptons returned

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to Linley

So your experience was quite the opposite! Interesting, not what I was hoping for but still i much appreciate your reply Linley. Could be total coincidence with the covid theory, worth checking though.

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Linley

I had the same experience as you did, Linley. But I got the earlier form of Covid, in April 2020. Mine targeted my chest, heart rate, fever, and general extreme weakness etc. But my gut was splendid! Once my fever went down I could eat all sorts of lovely food even though I wasn't fully recovered from Covid. I was normal with my gut and felt so much better than I had done for about 6 weeks after Covid. I thought Covid had cured me!

I was getting some breathlessness on exertion, some weakness sometimes, and heart palpitations (missed beats) but my gut was perfect. I actually enjoyed it once the fever went down. I could eat my favourite comfort foods (lentil and chickpea stews with onions and garlic! lots of veggies, lots of fruit.)

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to Luisa22

Linley had covid 2019 so you both probably had the original covid strain, covid has mutated so much maybe the newer strains are targeting different things. I had covid a few weeks ago so was probably ba4 or ba5 omicron. I really can't explain it, no one can as so little is known and new mutations coming through.Thanks though for your reply 👍

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Bumpkin74

Yes, I wouldn't know what to expect now. It seems life is always quickly "updating" everything nowadays. :-/ I haven't had one of the new Covids. I don't want one from what I've heard of it upsetting the gut.

Harley1020 profile image

Hello, I had Covid and ended up in hospital with severe vomiting and chronic dehydration. Unfortunately, my IBS C, sometimes results in the vomiting episodes if I go longer than 4/5 days without bowel movement. Its still under investigation but so far no conclusion.

I had no reason to have the vomiting as I had a bowel movement the day before but I'm sure Covid resulted in my vomiting episode. Like you, I think there is a connection with Covid attacking any weaknesses in the body. My hubby, who has asthma, was quite poorly. He had two weeks of antibiotics and two weeks of steroids, so again, Covid went for the weakest part of his body.

I only had one day of a headache and a temperature but no other symptoms apart from the hospital incident. Was put into a Covid ward with other elderly patients who did not have Covid, and were in for other issues. Really surprised that they did not separate us!

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to Harley1020

Thanks for reply, yes I'm very surprised you were put on covid ward if you were testing negative? Your experience backs up the theory, I don't think we can conclude anything though unless a lot of people come forward with similar experiences. Like you I had very mild symptoms from covid....until the twisted bowel. I just got this feeling it was covid that triggered it though I can't prove it, so little is really known about covid yet.

Again thanks for reply

Harley1020 profile image
Harley1020 in reply to Bumpkin74

Hello again, sorry did not explain properly - I had tested positive which I think started off the stomach episode. It was other elderly patients in the ward who were negative (in for broken hips). They had no available beds in the hospital so were put in the Covid ward.Glad you brought up the issue as lots of interesting replies. Take care.

BlackIsleGirl profile image

My GP confirmed that he'd seen an increase in people, both with and without diagnosed IBS/IBD, coming to the surgery with stomach issues. He believes there's a link between the current COVID variant and stomach issues.

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to BlackIsleGirl

That is very interesting indeed, thank you so much for your input. The nurses at hospital also confirmed the same thing that a lot more people were suffering quite severe stomach problems but did not link it to covid, they also said the age of patients was dropping a lot, no longer 60's 70's but now seeing people in 20's 30's 40's. Again, could be coincidental but I really think there is something in it.

BlackIsleGirl profile image
BlackIsleGirl in reply to Bumpkin74

I read an article the other day that linked stomach issues with those vaccinated and infected with COVID but I can't find it again. I'm not aware that any of it has any medical research behind it though

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to BlackIsleGirl

That's interesting. When I got Covid I was unvaccinated, back in early 2020.

BlackIsleGirl profile image
BlackIsleGirl in reply to Luisa22

The link is a little tenuous to my mind because there are very few people now who are vaccinated so I'm inclined to agree with my GP that it's the current variants rather than the vaccine

Shirley-peirson profile image

I had covid in February and have not gone back to work since ibs Arthritis Angina and fibromyalgia all accelerated since covid I’m beginning to wonder if I will ever be back to how I was x

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to Shirley-peirson

I know what you mean, my whole world has just turned upside down and I can't see anyway back at the moment. All we can do is try and stay as positive as possible mentally. Many thanks for reply and best wishes

I had covid a couple of months ago, and by day 6 after my first positive test, I started getting diarrhoea. It is hard to tell exactly when it stopped as it kind of melded into my normal GI symptoms after a while, but I think it went on for a couple of weeks. I also know of people with long covid, whose long covid symptoms were predominantly diarrhoea / other GI issues.

It is already known that cells in the GI tract have plenty of ACE-2 receptors, which is what the virus typically needs to gain entry. There's a review article about the impact of COVID-19 on the GI tract here:

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to Ishallwearmidnight

Much appreciated for putting up that link, that's very interesting indeed. First bit of solid evidence for me, I am useless at extracting information from Internet tbh.Thanks 👍

Luisa22 profile image

Yes, I think it makes sense that Covid could target the gut lining, as there are many ACE receptors in the gut. For others it targets the lungs as there are many there too. The virus latches onto ACE receptors (at least the old variants did, not sure about the mutations.)

There are ACE receptors all over the place, in other organs too, so it could possibly affect any weakened place.

Madavis profile image

Hi Bump,in74I am recovering from Covid. Tested positive 8/1, I had the sore throat, flu symptoms. I am vaccinated and boosted. Tested negative yesterday but I still don’t feel 100%. I suffer from IBS and the one thing I am experiencing all last week and still not going away is dry mouth and nausea. I start to feel better and out of no where the nauseous feeling kicks in. My mouth feels like I have a bag of cotton balls. So annoying. I am assuming is Covid related.

I wonder if other people had the same?

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to Madavis

Sorry to hear you're still not feeling great, strangely I didn't have any nausea or any stomach problems with covid until my stomach got twisted and obstructed. All I had was slight fever and headache. It seems different people have totally different experiences with covid!I hope you feel better soon and thanks for your input.

Luisa22 profile image
Luisa22 in reply to Madavis

I had the old form of Covid, the original one in 2020. So a whole different Covid than yours really. But for months now I often wake up with the driest mouth. Even when I wake up breathing through my nose (mouth breathing can cause it I know.). It doesn't seem to respond to how hydrated I was the day before either. It goes when I get up, and during the day, it's just mornings.

cpidoc profile image

It seems that Covid can interfere with us in many ways!

I guess the important thing is, how are you now? Is you IBS still worse?

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to cpidoc

Hi, I'm still recovering from the surgery to be honest, apparently it takes 4 - 6 weeks to feel a bit better. I've had to get my bowel re going again, obviously I didn't eat for 6 days so I'm very weak still and I lost about 10 kilo weight. Hopefully feel bit better soon, it only happened just over 2 weeks ago. I've been getting a bit of acid reflux, might be from the surgery or possibly the antibiotics they gave me, it's a bit of a waiting game really, thanks for asking though 👍

Ellie24J profile image

I have had a severe worsening of my IBS symptoms since last year, having managed them reasonably well for 20 years. I stopped being able to digest virtually anything apart from very soft boiled vegetables, and lost a stone in 3 months. I eventually, after lots of fruitless tests and investigations, saw a neuro-gastroenterologist who thinks I have had an adverse reaction either to a Covid infection (although I'm not aware of ever having had it) or to the vaccine. It's called Mast Cell Activation (MCA) and he has put me on a drug called Ketotifen. Currently all that has happened is that my symptoms are worse so I'd be interested to hear if this is something that's been suggested to you, or anyone else on here, and if anyone has had the same diagnosis or is on the same meds.

Bumpkin74 profile image

Hi, no one has suggested anything to me at all, very interesting that the neuro gastroenterologist thinks it might be covid related though!! or in this case it seems covid vaccine related. Please keep us updated how you get on with new med, wishing you all the best

RickyW profile image

This is an interesting thread - I had Covid in early June, and it took me a good month to get over the main symptoms. Since then I've had the mother of all IBS flare ups that I don't seem to be able to get over. It has made me quite depressed, which I know won't be helping at all. All my usual go-tos don't seem to help, feel like I just need 6 months off work/family pressures.

Bumpkin74 profile image
Bumpkin74 in reply to RickyW

Sorry to hear it's hit you so badly. Early June you probably had omicron ba5 possibly, I had it middle of July and although the symptoms were not too bad, slight fever, headache and lethargic what happened just after was quite scary although I can't say it was definitely covid that caused it. Good idea about taking an absolute break from everything, my advice just do it and take a break, your health is more important, best of luck 👍

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