Hi, ive had IBS C for 18 years now, sometimes C. Recently i have been having a lot of diahorrea, very explosive. It starts when i go to bed, or wakes me up in the early hours and can last for hours on end. Im not used to this thats why im looking for your support! How often can it happen and what can i do to relieve it? Ive recently had a colonoscopy and gastricoscopy and was told i had diverticula, gastritis and hiatal hernia. I feel good otherwise, but this is driving me nuts atm. Any support much appreciated. Thanks
How often does IBS D happen to you? - IBS Network
How often does IBS D happen to you?

You should watch your diet carefully. Are you following the FOdmap diet? If not take a look at it. In addition, this sounds disruptive enough that you should talk to your gastroenterologist soon.
I have given up trying to find out why my bowel gets irritable, my diahorrea happens in the afternoon can feel my stomach contracting which is a normal digestive process but.... With IBS it over reacts. Suggest you get clarification from the Gastro what is making it happen when you lay down. BTW was your gastritis caused by a bacterial infection and were you given any meds for it?
Hi thanks for reply. My gp said they took biopsies and all came back ok. I dont believe there was an infection. I hav'nt been given meds as such, got movicol going back as i was told not to get constipated with diverticulitis, but this is different. I am hoping to get appt with fodmap dietician shortly as i feel its food related. I eat very little but its possibly not suitable food when i do eat? Will keep updated when i see fodmap doc. Many thanks
Hi I had the same after always being constipated. After doing the fodmap diet and having all the tests my consultant said it's most likely to be overflow diarrhoea. Mine lasted for weeks and I lost alot of weight. I'm now on daily medication and now I'm more regular I haven't had an episode as severe as that since 🙏
Thanks for your reply. Having Googled it. I definately don't need that. I have IBS D.
I have a very similar pattern to yours with the same Colonoscopy findings. By any chance have you had Covid? My first symptom was explosive diarrhoea and even now, weeks on from finally testing negative, Im not back to anything like my normal IBS.
Hi, yes i got covid in may. I did'nt relate the two, i had the colonoscopy and endoscopy prior to covid. So not sure whats what🙄
This latest variant seemed to have a lot of gastro symptoms-not helpful with pre-existing IBS 😒
Thanks for that. Its good to know. Will mention it to my doc next time im there n see what she says.
Just had another thread started by BlackIsleGirl pop up on my feed. It also mentions a GP telling her about Covid and gastro symptoms.
Many thanks for that update, where can i find her thread?
The post was called 'Bad bad bad flair-up'. Ive just searched for that and it came up as the first suggestion. I also searched for Covid in the IBS group generally and there are a number of posts talking about Covid and its impact on IBS.