I have had Ibs-d for many years and the resultant piles have now become a real problem. The NHS consultant says the only answer is a hemorroidectomy. However I understand this can be exceedingly painful afterwards and as I have polymyalgia as well am worried about having more pain.Has anyone here had the operation fairly recently?
IBS-D and hemorroidectomy: I have had Ibs-d... - IBS Network
IBS-D and hemorroidectomy

Has the Consultant said having IBSD for so long, caused the piles? I presume you have tried all the hemorrhoid lotions and potions before getting to this stage! I too have had IBSD for many years and am now having problems with bleeding piles but hope I will not need an operation.
Hello , yes I had the operation about 10 years ago. I had a few days of being uncomfortable but was given Lactose to help whilst in hospital and was fine and soon back to normal. You need to walk every day afterwards which helps enormously. Don’t listen to tales of woe from other people with no courage.
hello, I suffer with IBS also had piles, had surgery a couple of years ago to remove them, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, yes there is some pain for a while afterwards but nothing afew pain killers would not ease, had no problems since
I had this procedure and have to say it was agony and piles returned. I wouldn’t do it again
I am in a similar position to you, although I do not have polymyalgia. ☹️
The above replies neatly illustrate the dilemma! It’s the first time I have seen positive replies, most respond in a similar way to Sydney’s. Online there are replies which have put me off so much that I have not had the courage to go through with it.
Please let us know how you go on.
Pleased to get all these replies but still in a quandry. Hot baths after the operation are recommended but it is a struggle to get in many ythe bath with the polymyalgia. Also difficult to exercise much . I am also afraid I might not be able to get out of bed as I live on my own. Many thanks to everyone though.
Hi, I also live alone. I cannot get in and out of the bath either, so I don't have a bath any more (just a shower!). I believe that something called a sitz bath is recommended after the surgery. I had a quick look and you can get them on-line. I don't know if there would be a suitable place for the sitz bath for easy access though.
i am in a similar position and I am having something called banding within the next week or two. This is an out patient procedure. I am expecting some discomfort but nothing I can't handle.
I had injections last year to shrink them but everything has now prolapsed hence a different treatment.
This is private as I needed treatment as soon as possible
I, too, have them from constipation though, rather than diarrhea. I've got IBS-C. Not considering a surgery. Just me. I avoid surgeries/medical procedures. I don't know - maybe mine aren't at the surgery stage.
I would try Benepura Yarrow Ointment (available on Amazon) before resorting to surgery. It is very soothing and stops bleeding. No harsh chemicals - an all natural product. I found it to be a life saver.
I had a HALO procedure, twice actually. It's far less evasive and less painful
i will research that.
I had this op 6 years ago. I was worried about the op, but there was nothing to be worried about. However, my piles have returned in the past year, but not as bad as they were before the op and only occasionally bleed, unlike the problems I had beforehand. I would certainly say it's worth having the op.
I had the operation a few months ago. First issue is having a wee, the pain confuses the muscles, I suggest do it in a shower or bath, you'll find it gets easier by week 2. You'll need to wear something like a sanitary towel for around 5-6 weeks for when you fart (splatter), you will fart a lot for around 6-7 weeks, this is very normal! Painkillers every 6 hours for 2 weeks is a must, you may not be able to sit for long periods of time. You must take stool softeners and drink plenty of water to help when you have a poo, you may have blood in poo for several weeks, but I didn't. Eat lots of vegetables and whole grain foods. Week one it aches really quite badly radiating over the pelvic area. You'll have a poo on day 2-3 which is very, very painful, ensure that you have taken painkillers about 1.5hrs beforehand. Poo's are painful for 2-3 weeks but progressively get better, do not strain. Do rest, you will feel tired for several weeks. The whole healing process will take 2-3 months, but it will be worth it.
Thankyou. As I have diarrhoea with my IBS that might complicated matters. Thankyou for taking the trouble to go into detail.
I hope so!I had this done 9 days ago. I have the weeing problem too, but was also constipated for 6 days, even with lactulose, so also took Senna for 2 days. That sorted out the constipation.
Currently, both sitting and walking are very uncomfortable.
Hopefully, this will get easier in the next couple of weeks.