Has anyone had issues taking Vitamin D? Living in Manitoba we do not get very much sunlight in winter and so I decided to take some Vitamin D. My IBS D (which had been very good for a few months) went into a total flare up and now trying to settle it down and have stopped taking it. This had happened in the past when I took Vitamin C so now wondering if it would occur with any Vitamin supplement.
Vitamin D and IBS D: Has anyone had issues... - IBS Network
Vitamin D and IBS D

I tried that too, not this past winter but the one before. I didn't have massive flares while taking it (did so for a week or 10 days) but my gut was generally a bit worse, loose every single morning with discomfort in the evenings and swelling in lower belly.
I took only 400iu once daily with breakfast.
But vitamin D from the sun didn't affect me that way. Just recently we have had warm sunny Spring weather and I have been out in it mostly all day. During the sun exposure my gut was quite steady and a little bit better. It has just gone off a bit the last 2-3 days.
I can imagine vitamin C supplements are irritating to IBS-D. The chewables are full of sorbitol usually. Bad news for the "D". I used to be fine on them before IBS. My gut tolerance was extremely high for vitamin C. But not so now. I can't even take 100mg.
What I found a lot less troublesome was a liposomal vitamin C. The ones with no additives at all except the liposome.
That came in pouches of 1000mg. I never took a full pouch of the liquid but would split it into 3 or 4 servings and re-sealed the top with a tiny clothes peg I have! As far as I was aware taking that didn't make my gut worse, but I took such small amounts, just two or two and a half times the RDA.
I can't eat fruit and only get vitamin C from steamed vegetables which can't be enough.
You could maybe try that?
Thank you for your reply. I only have the reaction to the Vitamin D tablets but have never noticed any issues with sun exposure. My IBS-D started many years ago from a very bad bout of food poisoning in a 3rd world country. I never recovered and from that time on have had IBS-D.
Have been taking multivitamins & vitamin D for years. No effect for me (and I'm IBS-D as well). Maybe I've just gotten used to it. 😄
I have taken vit D for years for low bone density. I had IBSD for about a year caused by a herbal anti biotic my nutritionist recommended. She has since been struck off. Not by me. I stopped taking it and continued the vit D. The IBSD turned to IBSC. the gastroenterologist cut down 20mg vit D to 10mg I am mutch improved.