Hi...Everyone I have been told by a dietician that to treat IBS constipation i should have Milled Linseed starting with i tablespoon a day to increase over a period to three tablespoon a day. I have started to take this , but find my pain is increasing , the notes that came with the diet sheet say that it may take three to six months to feel better and pain may be felt at the start Has anyone else been recommended Linseed and if so did they continue when they experienced pain ? Any help would be very much appreciated .
Linseed for IBS: Hi...Everyone I have been... - IBS Network
Linseed for IBS

Linseed? Is insane that bulks in your intestines, won’t move, plus you could have a reaction.Don’t you see a Gastroenterologist?
What type of doctor recommended this🙄
Thank you for your reply .. I was referred by Gastroenterologist to dietician who suggested this , but will bear in mind what you have said .
Yes linseed after is soaking in the stomach and intestines it bulks like jell heavy thick.You should start half of teaspoon mixed in juice or water, myself I’m allergic to linseed, every one is different.
I visited the allergic doctor to tested for sensitivity to grains and certain foods.
For me it works. However, you need to drink lots of water with it as it can have the opposite affect. The linseed soaks up lots of water so you may be heading for a bout of constipation if you’re just eating it or sprinkling it onto food. Best of luck.
Hi I find a tablespoon every other day on top of porridge for breakfast helpful and have it in other things too. I often use it as an egg replacer as eggs seem to upset me. It is important with C to drink plenty of water/ herbal tea. Anything with sugar in isn’t helpful, so suggest not drinking squash or fizzy drinks and limited coffee. If you look at right hand side of page at top, at related subjects you can see this subject has been posted about before too so your not alone. I always start my day with a mug of warm water or glass of cold in summer. Before I eat anything. Everyone is different so listen to your body. I suggest the IBS network diary as I found it so helpful to understand my IBS and self and what helped me. Exercise like yoga and walking help me and my hubby too.
Hi, I now take golden linseeds/ flaxseeds every morning after they have soaked in warm water overnight. This makes them slippery to drink and easy to digest and will help promote regular bowel movements, I would not take them raw. I put a tablespoon in a cup with a good covering of warm not hot water, give them a stir, cover them and drink it all down the next morning before breakfast, much better than anything else I’ve tried, and good for you. You should not have any pain with this method !
I was told that milled black flaxseed is more effective than the golden linseed and I certainly take much less of it finding that I usually only need to add half a teaspoon to my porridge for a result.
You need to have plenty of water with it. I sprinkle it on my cereal in a morning and make sure to drink a pint of water. Apparently you can mix it in with the water and drink it but I haven't tried that. I hope you start to feel better soon.
In your shoes, I would stop taking it so that you can recover from the pain. When you no longer have pain, start again but in smaller amounts. Try starting with 1/2 teaspoon milled flaxseed for 2-3 days. If you are OK with that then try 1 teaspoon for 2-3 days, then try 2 teaspoon for 2-3 days, then 3 teaspoon for 2-3 days. That gets you up to 1 tablespoon. You may find that 1 tablespoon is sufficient. If at any stage you experience pain, cut back to the previous amount for longer and try to increment again.
The purpose of this is to get your body gradually used to the product. One tablespoon is far too much as a starting point and you may find that 1 tablespoon is enough for you overall.
When I am in stress my ibs causes me problems but this is just an obstacle . Read The Lotus Sutra, English translation by Burton Watson. Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism. It teaches about cause and effect when you are ready.