Haven't been on this site on a long time, still suffer with ibs c symptoms and prolapse, I now attend a bowel clinic who advised me to have 2 weetabix with some sliced pear for breakfast everyday in the hope to not get constipated, especially with prolapse as straining is so bad for it. Weetabix seems to helping so hope this might help someone who suffers from ibs c also x
Relief: Haven't been on this site on a long time... - IBS Network

Hi so I've just read your message in regards to the C in IBS. So how long how you been eating Weetabix and does it work? I've been suffering just lately and I hate it when you have to strain also. It's horrible when it happens because it makes you feel so bloated and when you feel you need to go you just have that feeling that your just going to have a hard time trying to go. Hasn't been too bad for the past week but it does vary at times.
i usually have to peices of wholemeal toast and a pear for breakfast total 9-12 g of fibre depending on type of bread
I remember being told similar 30 odd years ago, except it was weetabix & grapefruit rather than pear. It started a lifelong passion for grapefruit but not for weetabix which I still very much dislike. Didn’t help my bowels either unfortunately. I’m glad it’s helping you 😀
I'm not a fan of weetabix either but I'd try anything as to much straining has caused prolapse which is a nightmare 🤔
I would suggest seeds (maybe in your bread, nuts, some lentils every day, kiwi fruit and plenty of water based drinks.I take a flask of hot water to bed and drink warm before I get up every morning. Yoga excersises that stretch and twist your belly, walk briskly. This regime greatly helps me. Try some or all of it and good luck.
Ps I am 78yrs with scoliosis, arthritis and diagnosed fibro.
How is it going so far? I am in the United States and have never heard of Wheatabix. Can you tell me what this is? I have had chronic and unrelenting IBS-C for decades. The only thing that helps me and I have tried it all is Senna. A strong stimulant laxative. I take it every Saturday night. The next morning I have apple juice and strong black brewed coffee with Stevia in it and I am done going by about 10am. I have a very weak pelvic floor so I try to stay on a low fiber diet. I know one thing that does help is a colon massage. I first take a warm washcloth (I think I learned this on a you tube video) and go in circles starting from my left breastbone and using small circular movements. I then vibrate it over the navel because it helps loosen the stool more. Then continue going around in small circles by my left pubic bone and then going up my right side. I then follow with a towel. It really does work. Another trick that works is gently massaging your perineum. Yes really!
Hi there weetabix is a breakfast cereal that is high in fibre I have to try not to get constipated as it causes more problems with prolapse and I don't want surgery as it isn't always successful. Yes I heard that massaging that area helps I used to attend bladder clinic also as my bladder is so weak and I want making it to the toilet on tip so I've had to do pelvic floor exercises also it's been a real challenge lol.
Please look into the FODMAP diet. It is a game changer but it is highly limited and takes a long time (2 years very strictly following for me! ) Constipation relief magnesium citrate like Natural Calm brand.
I've been gluten and dairy free for awhile which helps also I think x