Hi I am wondering if anyone has had a colonoscopy and been told the results were clear but that they have a tortuous colon. So I wondered whether this is the reason why I have IBS C. So I asked my GP if this is part of my problem. As I always feel that I haven't finished my poo. Just hope there is someone out there who is in similar position?
Colon: Hi I am wondering if anyone has had a... - IBS Network

I recently had a colonoscopy that came back clear, but my problem is severe constipation. I know have IBS symptoms and putting it down to that. It all started for me after having my daughter by c-section. I have been managing my constipation with natural products such as prune juice (not for concentrate) which really has cleared me out alongside having regular colonic hydrotherapy. I am no longer relying on these as I think they have got my bowels working again so I feel I am over the worse.. however, every now and again I am noticing my stools are becoming looser so I am going from one to the other but at least I no longer reply on senna!
Yes, yes & yes. Trying to cope every day.
I was interested in your post. Last year I had a colonoscopy where they put a tube in both ends ie. to investigate the stomach and the colon. I was told I had the longest colon they’d ever seen and that the tube wasn’t long enough to get to the end! I was given an all clear on the colon but told I had gastritis....which I had worked out for myself. However, all my life I’ve had issues with constipation, bloated feelings, headaches which I wake up with and only go once I’ve passed a stool. Somehow, the image of this very long colon which is hard to evacuate provides a rationale that makes sense to me. I now use vit C to stay regular. I find it keeps me flushed out. I was told that we should take vit C to our tolerance limit. You have reached your tolerance dosage when you get the runs. I take 1000 mg at night with my levo and another 1000 mg during the day. With respect to the gastritis I am gluten free and eat a veg rich diet, I take B12 in phases based on blood results. Certain things upset my digestion and give me awful wind and indigestion, but usually the cause is hard to digest things like pulses. I’d be interested if any of this rings true for you. All the best,
You poor thing, that sounds complicated. I have been suffering with severe consiptiaion for almost 2 years now and have tried so many things. After seeing a consultant who referred me to physio therapy, I found that a combination of things worked for me including exercising my pelvic floor muscles (it started after child birth) alongside the very strong prune juice I mentioned in my earlier post. For me I swear it was the prune juice that really cleared me out. Not any prune juice works though, it must be not from concentrate. The Benefit Drinks brand is the one that I use, although I’m finding it hard to find as I think it’s discontinued. For me it took a couple of weeks of continued use daily as well as cutting out on wholewheat high fibre foods (as these can only make it worse). I also found drinking green tea really helped, lots of warm / hot cups of this daily helps things move along, but It didn’t happen over night and I think its about listening to your body and figuring out what you think it helping, and eliminating the things you feel aren’t (even though I know it’s hard to know at first). Hope this all makes sense? I really do believe it’s trial and error and what works for one, might not necessarily work for another person, but you will find out what works for you In the end, just don’t give up, keep getting lots of advise, and research as much as you can and keep trying!
Good luck, I’m sure you will get there!
My colonoscopy revealed diverticulosis, but no treatment. I have ibsc and suffer with incomplete evacuation (Incomplete evacuation is a subjective sensation that a bowel movement has not been as complete as it should be.) Hate this sensation!
To relieve pain from IBSC (trapped wind, bloating) I use hypnotherapy. You can go onto YouTube and can access helpful hypnotherapy sessions on YouTube, just put in Hypnotherapy for IBS. Give it a try, it works for me.
I also had a colonoscopy with result of healthy colon but tortuous floppy. I have IBS-C. I am on Low Fodmap with Gastric dietician help and also see a Biofeedback nurse who is treating the other problem. Both the nurse and the dietician have decided that the colon is the major problem. I have finally found a laxative that helps and also now do colon irrigation at home under medical direction. It is early days yet but things are getting better.
Oh my goodness I was beginning to feel I was the only one with this problem. I have had no support whatsoever not even seen a dietician. Dr (who was a trainee said my colon had nothing to do with it) I have seen 3 Dr's now just been told there was nothing wrong with the tests!! I found the fodmap diet was making me worse. I do go every day but just feel I have not finished. So now I have decided to increase my fibre to see if that helps also taking aloe vera juice. I have pain everyday after I have been that can last up to 4 hours sometimes. I know it's early days yet I have had it for 18months. You are so lucky to have support. Happy new year to you and a healthy one.
Yes. I was told I have a tortuous bowel and diverticuli. I have a horrendous time with bowel movements. It has been almost 10 years after the surgery that caused my issues. I believe that when My stool gets to one of the twists in the colon it gets stuck. Causing pain that is a 14. I scream get dizzy have partially blacked out. It is pain unlike anything i can describe. I have learned how to deal with it as best as I can. For me a low fibre diet, especially very little vegetables or fruits especially raw. Small meals. Knowing what is in my body and how long it takes to come out. Ie having corn on a certain day or sesame seeds. Keeping track of when they went in and when they come out. If it is taking to long than stool softeners, suppositories, little or big enemas. Even taking meds for colonoscopy prep sometimes I use Chinese teas. I would be interested to see if your symptoms are similar to any of mine. Now I am trying to stop all meds to proove that they are not causing any of the issues.
I replied to original post.
Besides the Vitamin C, even better is Magnesium. I take about 600 to 1000mg of magnesium citrate or oxide on an empty stomach before bed with lots of water. This works great, naturally and is effective. My colorectal consultant recommended it as well. Look up information on magnesium and constipation. If I don't take it I don't go.
There are other magnesium products for the colon that are excellent although more expensive but worth it. They are in order of my preference, Oxypowder, Aerobic Mag07 and Colosan. You can get them on Amazon or a place called the Finchley clinic. They are very helpful and you can call for advice.
I have said to the Dr what you have describe, she doesn't understand and said no that's not what is causing it. She just said you have had colonoscopy and MRI and everything is fine. I have not seen anyone so now I am just trying things that people have tried on this forum. Thanks anyway I haven't had my problem as long as you only about 18months. Take care.
Besides the Vitamin C, even better is Magnesium. I take about 600 to 1000mg of magnesium citrate or oxide on an empty stomach before bed with lots of water. This works great, naturally and is effective. My colorectal consultant recommended it as well. Look up information on magnesium and constipation. If I don't take it I don't go.
There are other magnesium products for the colon that are excellent although more expensive but worth it. They are in order of my preference, Oxypowder, Aerobic Mag07 and Colosan. You can get them on Amazon or a place called the Finchley clinic. They are very helpful and you can call for advice.
Hi just thought I’d mention the use of a squatty stool. It raises your feet when you sit on the loo and helps take pressure off the colon and encourages expelling the poo from you. You can get them at Argus, Amazon or try putting something under your feet to tip you into a better squatting position.