So does anyone else use a qufora? I've been prescribed one by the bowel clinic as I've ibs c it seems quite good so far for chronic constipation I've also prolapse so I've to try to avoid getting constaped easier said than done, does anyone else thing they're good long Term?
Relief : So does anyone else use a qufora? I've... - IBS Network

What is a Qufora?
I just looked it up. I do know someone who does irrigation..I don't think it is the Qufora exactly but something similar. I think the one she had had more water and some kind of hose? She said she would "irrigate" every other day or when she felt "full". That it worked great for the first few weeks but then it stopped working so well band has gastro told her to start taking the Dulcolax pico liquid with the irrigation system. I haven't heard back yet on how that's coming along. It sounds interesting but Im too chicken to do it thinking I might do it wrong or hurt or tear my anus or rectum..
Yeah it seems to be an irritant for the bowels you put water in the wee bottle and squeeze it up your back passage lol lovely I know .I think it's good that it's a more natural way to help rather than laxatives all the time which I still rely on unfortunately 😕
I've also started taking kefir prebiotic drinks also recommended by bowel specialist dunno if they're helping or not at the min x
I tried that too...more fiber.. supplements..I guess that's all gastros tell people with IBS -C tells us to do and that yucky Miralax (Movicol). I wish there was some cute than all the guessing we have to go through However I have a very weak pelvic floor so all the probiotic drinks, food etc..just makes the stool too bulky and to hard for me to "push" out. So I'm on a low fiber diet. I have tried the small "fleet" bottles to help but there's enough liquid in it so I just run to the toilet only to have water come out. So I gave upon that. Most often I have to go to hospital and have a professional "soap sud" enema. That's the only thing that works, otherwise I take Senna once a week (several tablets) and it's never let me down. Have been on it for over 20 years. Keep me posted on the Qufora..
Omg, I've read the thread and cannot believe the help people get. I've been on laxatives for about 10 years if not more. I can't even get a referral to hospital. This sounds revolutionary to me and I do hope it works out for you. At least you're being listened to and taken seriously. Please let us know how you get on. All the best 😍
It's horrible I had to go to doctor who examined me then done referral to womans physiotherapy for my bladder and then I was referred to bowel physiotherapy, it's terrible you just have explain to your doctor how it is effecting you x
Omg I didn't know of such a service. I will definitely speak to my gp but mist likely complain to the health authorities as its 4 gp surgeries over the course of 12 years. I've had bleeding from my behind so many times yet they change nothing. You keep going and thank you so much for opening my eyes. Take care 🙂
I bleed all the time too.. prolapsed hemorrhoids. I asked about surgery for them but the surgeon said they are of the highest grade and I had "too many folds"'s all very confusing. I've about given up on Doctor's..
I have prolapse so I bleed sometimes also it is frustrating but definitely get on to your doctor again and hope you get sorted soon x
I'm so glad you found this site and like it! Welcome. Can I ask what you were diagnosed with - you mentioned maybe it's the same condition I have. Chronic constipation. Which I take Senna for. It works great. Are you in the U.K.? United States? Just wondering about you saying about a referral to a hospital. Is this for a colonoscopy? Sorry..I wasn't quite understanding. Do the laxatives help you?
Hi Eleanor, I was diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrome around 30 years ago. I've had to go gluten free so my bowels have changed. Before going gluten free I couldn't control anything so had to wear nappies as it was just running out of me and I'd get explosive diarrhoea. Now it's the opposite, just constant constipation. I think that I don't have too much pain because I'm gluten free, so I've been very lucky. Most thi go do nothing for me. I've tried Senna and it does nothing for me at. Yes I'm in the UK and just got the letter for the Rheumatology appointment which will be in June and by telephone. Yes the laxatives work but only in combination with the Pepoermint oil capsules and Gaviscon Advanced that I take. A hospital consultant also advised that I drink 3 cups of Peppermint tea also. All seem to have me sorted. Whereas before going gluten free I had nothing but problems. 😍
I went gluten free also and dairy free but the bowel clinic says to have weetabix and sliced pear it's the best has its high fibre but to much fibre bungs me up again you can't win .
Hi, I tried Gluten free but it didn't help unfortunately. I guess it's all trial and error but I just live with chronic constipation as I have had it for so long and have given up on this or that. The Senna (although I have to take more than the recommended amount) my gastro told me to do whatever works as they have all given up on me. But it's okay. I take the Senna on Saturday night. With lots of water. I wake up at 3am and do a long colon massage with a warm wet washcloth. I was told to massage my perineum (it works!). I learned how to do a Colon massage through a "You Tube Video" I highly recommend it. You will go much easier and faster and a lot comes out. (Believe me..) and then at around 6am I make strong Keurig Coffee with six Stevia packets (the Stevia helps get everything out) I also drink about a half of a container of 64 ounce apple Juice with the strong black coffee. Green Mountain brand Keurig Pods (Dark magic) works great. I'm done going by 8am. Although I can't do much on Sundays afterwards it works for me. Weekends in the small town I live in are slow anyway..nothing open. So it's a perfect day to do my laxative routine. I guess we have to do what works for us and maybe someday a cure will come. The medications Linzess, Trulance, Relistor don't do anything for me. And Miralax is awful. Senna works best for me as I need a stimulant. 😊
Hello! I was so interested in reading your post! For your laxative day how many senna tablets do you take? I am desperate to clear my bowel, I live in U.K. and cannot her to see a specialist! Very unlucky:((. Thank you for posting such valuable experience;))