Thin stools?! IBS or.....: Terrified I have... - IBS Network

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Thin stools?! IBS or.....

ChrisDavid profile image
11 Replies

Terrified I have Bowel Cancer... (28 Male). Been ill for exactly 2 weeks with a mix of constipation and diarrhea, as well as abdominal cramps, nausea and difficulty sleeping. Also not been able to eat much. Main concern is very narrow pencil-thin stools that I keep having (if not that then just mushy). I know 'Dr Google' is making me so much worse, but I feel completely hopeless. I've been told it could be IBS and I've been examined. I'm due to provide blood, stool and urine sample soon, but I'm worried that in order to know for sure that it isn't Bowel cancer, that i'll need to have a colonoscopy, which means waiting in fear for possibly months....

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ChrisDavid profile image
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11 Replies
Maureen1958 profile image

Hi, I think you may be experiencing overflow diarrhoea. This can happen when you are constipated and then the new soft stuff can't get past the solid stuff. It pushes it's way past as best it can! See link below:

I really don't think it is bowel cancer and the stool test will give you an indication of if it's anything serious which I wouldn't think it would be at your age. My IBS started when I was about your age, it's a common age for IBS to start. My worry is that my son who has just turned 29 does not get it! If the blood test comes back clear, which I am sure it will, they may send you for a colonoscopy. But really there is no need to. I had IBS for about 10 years before I was given a colonscopy, and I never thought it was cancer!

You seem to have been through an emotional turmoil earlier this year and it may have just come to a head with these symptoms. My IBS started when my first husband told me he didn't think he wanted to be married to me anymore and then I got food posioning!

Chidacsmum profile image

Hi ChrisDavid. I know it is difficult but please try to calm down your anxious thoughts. I know from experience that it is far too easy to let them go down some very dark roads especially when your first thought is the very worst scenario. There are lots of reasons why you are having different bowel movements. Trust me, having a colonoscopy sounds far more sinister than it actually is and you cannot know for sure that it will take months to get one. In the meantime you have taken the initial steps to getting the problem treated.

So many more younger age group people are suffering with IBS since the start of the dreaded Coronavirus and it’s purely down to the stress caused, so if you have been having a rough time this could be your bodies way of reacting.

I know its really difficult but, as I said above, try to stop taking your thoughts to the dreaded worst case scenario situation, it really can make your symptoms worse.

Andann profile image
Andann in reply to Chidacsmum

A colonoscopy is a bit inconvenient but nothing to worry about......our minds always go to the worst possibility. You may not have anything like me but I told a gastroenterologist I had pencil thin bms and urgency and diarrhea type movements and his eyes narrowed and he suggested immediately to have a colonoscopy. I leapt into having it privately to stop the anxiety. They removed 2 polyps and when the bowels stabilised the movements normalised and over the last year I have probably only had the overflow effect 3 times, a huge relief. He and GP said it could have been the clear out that normalised things and that if you felt that it was needed you could get laxatives from a pharmacy.I am having a follow up colonoscopy in a few days as one of the polyps is of the type that can grow back. I dont think there's anything serious going on but I do get extra gas from time to time so am hoping this colonoscopy will help.

I didnt realise sleeplessness was part of IBS. I get that about once a fortnight and generally it doesnt occur if I get enough exercise.

Hope you can keep busy and keep the worry at bay.

Highly unlikely at 28. Most cancers start from polyps and they develop later than n life. Like in your 40s and then take 10-20 years to start to turn! Small bleeds etc. That’s why 60 plus is the golden age.

Mozzy01 profile image

Request the FIT stool test alongside the other stool tests if you haven’t already done so. That one is specifically designed to pick up blood in stool which cannot be seen. Of that is clear then you’re chances of BC are extremely low.

I have been ill with inconsistent stools, sickness, weight loss and abdominal pain for the last 2 months. My bloods are clear, FIT test clear and other stool tests are clear. I’m in the category of IBS which came out of the blue (male 35)

I’m having an ultrasound today and a colonoscopy in a few weeks.

Stress caused by noticing your stool changes can makes things worse.

If in any doubt chat with your doctor.

Good luck

Summer2123 profile image

If it helps, i have ibs-d and alt between watery d, mush and thin poop. I have had 3 colonoscopies and gastroscopies without them finding anything (i did have a small polyp on 1st one which was removed). I find stress makes my symptoms a lot worse. So, obviously get checked out to rule out anything sinister (unlikely at your age) then try to address your stress levels and diet etc

MOLLYMILO007 profile image

Hi there I know Google is the worse thing ever but we can't help ourselves.. I was in really bad low down left pain last year paid for a ultrasound not gynie so convinced myself it was the c word had a fit test poo test came back positive so I was beside myself convinced myself as had constipation for years with blood ..continued pain for 6 weeks had a ct colongraphy with dye..found nothing in my colon found a small cyst in pancreas which I wasn't happy about but told to go bk 12 months for another ct..I've changed my diet and eat more fruit fibre etc ...very strange but as soon as I was told nothing wrong with your colon the pain went as quick as it appeared.. I have bad health anxiety I'm a young 63 no health probs all my life and I just thought I cannot be so lucky.. pain can come n go and alot is in your head I'm my case anyway I'm terrible for it..if you can afford it go to see a private gastroentrologist at spire and get a second opinion its worth every penny for piece of mind honestly please do...Good luck ♥

Sapphireblu profile image

Hi there, try not to worry although you can’t help think the worse, I’ve had IBS for 20plus years and get flare ups regularly. Try some Movicol half sachets, they help to clear a hard blockage you might have. The doctor prescribed them They are not as severe as some laxatives, you can buy them in boots and other chemists. Try not to get to stressed as that will make it worse.

edwangy profile image

Have you started taking medication for anything else or changed your diet?

FRreedman profile image

Firstly, there is a two-week rule in place in respect of colonoscopies due to suspected cancer, so if you have to wait months the gastroenterologist and/or GP are not thinking anything life-threatening. You could be suffering from anything from upset tummy all the way through IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) to IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease {Crohn's Ulcerative Colitis}), so try not to worry. I have suffered from IBS and IBD for over fifty years now, and still have regular colonoscopies, as well as appointments and blood tests. Yes, I have flare-ups, but I also have lots of good times to reflect on. I think you should ask for a Calprotectin test, which involves your poop being tested for levels of inflammation, which is easy and cheap, in comparison to other tests, and the results are normally available in about a week, and this, if negative will put your mind at ease as it would mean you are most unlikely to have anything other than IBS, and you should start to feel better as IBS pains and symptoms increase with worry and stress.

marshamclean profile image

This narrowing is most likely use of products to increase rate of bowel movement. Tis is to narrow intestine and increase defication (sp?) as explained to me by nurse. Mine are always narrow sine started using Mirilax

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