Mebeverine: Hi, Does anyone else take or has... - IBS Network

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Curlygal profile image
20 Replies


Does anyone else take or has tried mebeverine? I had a really rubbish consultation with the GP last week which ended with her suggesting mebeverine. My symptoms are stomach/abdominal pain, bloating, gas and recurrent gastritis with reflux and occasionally oesophageal spasms. I take lansoprazole and have done for 4 years since I was treated for h-pylori. Since they don't know why I have stomach pain they keep mentioning IBS but I'm dubious because I don't have cramps, diarrhea or constipation.

Anyway I took 1 tablet and now have terrible heartburn and burning in my stomach. I can't sleep because I can't lay down! I'm so fed up with having stomach problems. No-one seems interested in finding out why or helping me ☹️

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Curlygal profile image
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20 Replies
Curious8654 profile image

Hey curlygal I take mebevrine what's good about it it is anti spasm deug so it should help not make things worse but if your having side effect I would recommend you stop . Do you take anything for heartburn atall maybe the reason I do not suffer these effect is because I am on oprezmasoles aswell as mebverine and buscopan ... I do feel for you my problem started out with them.telling me I had gastro reflux now I am scheduled for colonoscopy...

You know your own body I know it can be so debilitating been in pain constantly .. even though I take these meds I am still in some sort off pain just not ass serve ... I know I've prob not help much ... maybe ask for something for heart burn to go with the mebervine or go back to the doc ...

Actually 4 months in after me constantly phoning them it's not fair we need to do this but it the times wee live in the now where some doc are not entertaining anyone ... please keep is updated x

Curlygal profile image
Curlygal in reply to Curious8654

Yes I take lansoprazole for my stomach... recently had to increase to 40mg. Ideally I'd like to stop because I've been on it for 4 years but have found it impossible to do so even with tapering. I gave my mebeverine to my son; he has IBS and it helps him.

I'd like to see the gastroenterologist because I've had this problem for so long.

Curious8654 profile image
Curious8654 in reply to Curlygal

I am on 40 of omprezmasoles and the 3 135g off mebverine and 80mg off buscopan daily sometime I wonder If the meds are doing more harm to my insides than help sometimes .. I must admit I am from Scotland aswell curlygal my doctor been great with Me but I have recently run into couple off male doctors In the last month who keep going on about my age and trying to fob me all because I am.35 .... but luckily my doc she has helped me so far ... hope you get the help you need ... don't back down .. just keep phoning them x

Curlygal profile image
Curlygal in reply to Curious8654

Goodness me, what does your age have to do with it? A common problem I've had is doctors assuming that everything I present with is due to anxiety (I see this as sexist because we're just hysterical women etc etc, even the female doctors sometimes)

Curious8654 profile image
Curious8654 in reply to Curlygal

Its horrible especially when your health is involved i get that people can take the piss but they should listen more cause we know our own body's... I've never had issue mu whole life to do with my stomach.. its never been a problem if honest then randomly one day o had really bad reflux I actually thought it was my heart the burning was so bad it then it has got worse since then like I said I am kinda lucky as this has been going on for just comming up 4 months now and I've had alor off test scan etc bloods done but personally I won't stop till I find out what exactly is wrong with me though and what I can do to help ... keep us posted in your journey I do hope you get the help you need x

Curlygal profile image
Curlygal in reply to Curious8654

Thank you, you too xx

fourbanks profile image

mebeverine is for relaxing the stomach I only use it occasionally and works quite well. for those with any long term stomach bowel problem the correct procedure is to ask your dr for an appointment at st marks hospital the worlds leading bowel hospital. you may have to wait a few months but you will end with the correct diagnosis and treatment

Curlygal profile image
Curlygal in reply to fourbanks

That's not really an option as I live in Scotland! I'd be happy to just get to see a GI doctor, so far I just get fobbed off by the GP.

sahdia profile image
sahdia in reply to Curlygal

Lol it isnt fair stomach issues seriously affect the brain im sik of being so sik

BlackIsleGirl profile image

Hi, sorry you're having a rough time. Mebeverine is an anti-spasmodic so basically it relaxes the muscles in your digestive track so you don't get cramps. I've found it very effective as I get bad cramps if I don't eat the right diet. Have you tried a low acid diet for the gastritis? Doctors never mention it but I found if I avoid citrus foods i have less issues with gastritis and acid reflux. Also smaller meals seems to help with it. You probably know all this though.

Hope you're feel better this morning x

Curlygal profile image
Curlygal in reply to BlackIsleGirl

Thanks, I am feeling a bit better. No more reflux but have felt a bit queasy and pain in upper left stomach. Classic gastritis 🙄Yeah I avoid acidic foods, spicy foods (mostly), and I don't drink caffeine or alcohol. Today I had an apple turnover and regretted it (it just seems wrong that I can't eat apples!) My stomach has been giving me bother for about 5 years and it flares up every so often for seemingly no reason (except stress sometimes).

BlackIsleGirl profile image
BlackIsleGirl in reply to Curlygal

I hear you. I miss having cake with my colleagues. I miss orange juice. I miss just being able to walk in to a restaurant or cafe and picking anything I want from the menu. I miss fish and chips at the beach. And I dread any event where I have to eat a meal publicly because I have so many food intolerances that it makes me feel like a freak. But I try to remember that I'm here and if I eat right I can be pain free and be a wife, mum, grandma, friend, colleague and generally an all round happy person and therefore there's more to life than food! But it's not always easy so I hear ya xx

MoJudSav profile image

I've started takong Buscopan, I think it's brilliant. I took it for 2weeks as advised, now I just take one when I need to. It stops the pain within 15 mins.

SInman profile image

I take mebeverine it made a big difference at the start but as time has gone on (5 years) it seems to be less affective.

Smarrco14 profile image

If apples don't agree with you , you may have a fructose intolerance lots of fruits have fructose on them after a severe rowel infection I had ibs a dietician recommended cutting out fructose and I became well again when I cut it out

Curlygal profile image
Curlygal in reply to Smarrco14

Thank you, that's interesting information. I had assumed that it was the acidity of the fruit as I am ok with banana, strawberries, raspberries but not citrus fruits, kiwi fruit or apples.

Smarrco14 profile image

Yes that's like me I can eat bananas strawberrys and anything without fructose in it garlic onions are also a no no when I found out and got better it was wonderful u think fruit is good for you but it doesn't suit us all

Curlygal profile image
Curlygal in reply to Smarrco14

It's pretty miserable as I love fruit! And I'm vegetarian as well. Thankfully my favourites are banana and raspberry but I miss apples and kiwi fruit. Onions are also tricky for me...I can eat in small doses if well cooked, unless stomach is playing up.

Micro profile image

I’ve had the delightful changeable symptoms of IBS for 40 plus years, probably all the medications and diets too.I get either IBS D or IBS c, vast bloating,] pain [which causes my lower back to worsen - spinal stenosis ] nausea, well everything on the IBS lists.

For me, a med called KOLSTANTICON GEL, helps a lot.

Recently I have been unable to get it, it was recalled briefly [ cos it was forming lumps in the bottle I read[.

It’s a compound of three ingredients. [muscle relaxer, Simeticone and ? I’ve forgotten the third.The pharmacist tried to replace it for me by putting similar ingredients together in separate bottles which, you would think, would do the same job, but they didn’t. I’m still trying to source it again.

We’re all different so who knows, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever had.

I came across KOLSTANTICON while researching - in a back copy of The Nursing Times, under IBS as a heading.

Good luck !

sahdia profile image

Docs do F All Hate being so so ill every single f day for past yr and more Not Fair Doctors DO NOT HELP WHYYYYY

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