Sometimes after a bowel movement I feel really exhausted and have stomach pain is this normal is this normal for IBS I also have painful hemorrhoids which doesn't help.
Pain after bowel movement : Sometimes after a... - IBS Network
Pain after bowel movement

I have pain after I have IBSC and have to use a micro enema . Sometimes I feel ok doctor has given me docusate now and the fodmap. Diet. But it leaves me with gas after a bowel movement and a lot of pain after eating. I take paracetamol. Gaviscon helps. And buscopan sometimes. It is not easy to manage I hope you find a way.
Hello, if the pain is caused by gas i would highly recommend Holland & Barrat charcoal tablets. I ended up in an out of hours GP with right flank pain. A Turkish doctor was able to identify it was wind trapped on my side, he recommended the charcoal and within a few days it cleared up the pain. I take six just before bed, you just have to be careful as the charcoal absorbs the gas, but it will also absorb medication if you takesomebefore bed also.
Yes that's perfectly normal for me and has been for years I get pain before and after I suspect it's the colon continuing to cramp up for a while then its settles down to sore and aching , exhaustion and fatigue seems to be a big part of IBS as well and tends to hang around for some time for me and I quite often round things off with a nice pounding headache!! you're not alone !
Yes me too! Bad headaches every morning, distended stomach and pain after bowel movement
First of all you need to get your hemorrhoids sorted as IBS will only agrevate them and they won't get better on their own so need a medical intervention, either with a simple out patient appointment and banded or a day patient and removed. The best thing to help bowel movement is a good multi culture Probiotic, vegetables and lots of water throughout the day.
Sorry - this sounds exactly like the way I feel. It’s very debilitating most of the time. I often have to lie down and I can feel much of the day is wasted. You are not alone. I find that exercise helps.
Please research haemorrhoid removal carefully before you decide. I decided against but there are some good replies here and online elsewhere.
It is indeed debilitating and I miss out on a lot of things, I had my haemorrhoids banded then last time had them stitched up that last about 4 years,got a hospital appointment to see someone next week (waited 40 weeks for that)😏
I am exactly the same. The pain after a BM can go on for the rest of the day and I often spend the day curled up with a hot water bottle.. My insides pulsate and gurgle as if the muscles/mechanics of doing a poo just don't seem to stop working. I wish I knew how to stop it.
IBS diagnosis is used as an umbrella term for “I don’t know what’s wrong with you”, same as autism and schizophrenia, they are all umbrella terms.i found a medical paper going back to Persia from the 1200’s with gas and bloating being recorded back then, fennel seeds and things like not drinking fluids until after 20 minutes after a meal, things that are recommended now!, fyborgel helps my constipation and gas

I would rephrase that, rather than "I don't know what's wrong with you" which feels like a dismissal. Which in my case with my GP was never like that. I was tested to eliminate anything serious, and finally given diagnosis along the lines of..."we know it's not this this and this therefore...."
Here we have Father Ted health services, I could tel you so many bad examples of health care, their only interested if you have weight loss or passing blood, maybe then you get to see the real Dr know.

Let's hope they fix the darn health service! Really shouldn't be postcodelottery on being treated well.
I got what you meant about IBS being a diagnosis of exclusion phrase, I never understood it like that, obviously you were correct, I see it like their just not interested anymore , I was never one for having faith, ttfn, Ireland