I am taking one sachet of Questran or Colestid powder (containing colestyramine or colestipol hydrochloride respectively) per day to control suspected bile acid malabsorption (I have a cooperative doctor - but I haven't been tested for BAM) and therefore IBS D - and with some success. My question is, when should I take it? Last thing at night or first thing in the morning? Or at some other time? It seems to take some hours before my problems are stabilised - I may need 2 or sometimes 3 BMs before things settle down by about noon, if I take it around 07h30. Unfortunately, I have to take other medications in the evening whose absoption could be compromised if I were to take Questran in the evening. Of course, my good experience with it may be down to the placebo effect anyway! Any advice would be gratefully received - thanks in advance!
When to take Questran or Colestid powder - IBS Network
When to take Questran or Colestid powder

hi there. I take colesevelam (the pill version) and it's very effective. Not 100% but so much better than before. I take the max dose (6 pills) and take them at the very end of the day on as empty a stomach as possible. This was after a fair bit of trial and error - but this seems to have the most effect on the mornings which is my worst time. Like you I also have to take other meds which I therefore take at 4am (or whenever I wake through the night - on the very rare times I don't I just need to delay eating in the morning). I guess it depends what your meds are and how much flexibility you have. I think the main thing is not to take them for 4 hours AFTER the binders - I think before isn't great but not as bad.
Really good luck I hope it works for you.

Hi - thanks for the detailed and very helpful advice! I will try taking it at bedtime. With your regime, has the positive effect worn off during the afternoon or evening?
I always tended to have improved by nighttime so a bit hard to tell. But the mornings not being able to leave the house, cancelled holidays etc are in the past tho (crossing fingers it lasts). I’m coeliac as well as BAM so do still get “got” but life is really so much better. Really hope it helps. I used to take 3 sachets of questran I think - it made me nauseous so they changed for colosevelam. Let us know how you get on