I've had a box of mebeverine for a while but I'm a bit apprehensive to take it as I notice it says it contains lactose. I haven't touched dairy for 15+ years as it used to really upset my stomach. I desperately need to try something for my tummy as my IBS has been so bad recently, it is just so unsettled and I need something to calm it right down.
Can you take mebeverine if lactose intolerant? - IBS Network
Can you take mebeverine if lactose intolerant?

Hi, I put a post on about this a couple of weeks ago after googling. It depends on how intolerant you are I think. See link below. If it's really bad try just taking one tablet and see what happens. If it's good you will have your answer but if it's bad you will know not to take them again!
If you feel up to it then give it a try for a few days and see what happens. It's all trial and error to see what works anyway. There are so many other things you can take for IBS so contact your GP and see if you can take anything without lactose if it upsets you or you'd rather not risk it.
I am milk intolerant, not just lactose but I use mebeverine which works well for me without issues. I started with trying half a tablet to trial them. I don't know if my problem is lactose as I have found lactose free milk still upsets me.I think it is the milk protein that affects me.
Thank you.