Hey everybody I’m having a colonoscopy for the first time in 9 days after my Calprotectin came out to 140. Does anybody have any tips for a smooth prep?
Colonoscopy: Hey everybody I’m having a... - IBS Network

Hello, I tend to chill the prep once prepared in the fridge to make it as cold as possible and drink it through a straw, towards the back of your tongue. I even drank some from a wine glass - humour is key sometimes 🙈. And don’t move far from a loo, have a good book or magazine to hand. Drinking the stuff is probably the hardest part of the whole process, the colonoscopy itself is fine. I’ve had 2 now and 1 sigmoidoscopy and I’d have them again if needed. I find the thought it worse than the procedure. Good luck!
Hi, I’m having a colonoscopy and endoscopy in 11 days too.. not dreading the preparation that much as I dread what they find hope yours goes well
Let me know how it goes! My colonoscopy came out well everything looks good. Now she recommends an endoscopy since it’s part of the next procedure when they don’t find anything.
Glad your colonoscopy went well! I have both including endoscopy on Wednesday so feeling pretty anxious
I know lots of people don’t and it’s entirely up to you and your situation, but with my endoscopy I had sedation and it was a breeze! The worst part was the banana throat spray, I remember asking about something on screen but that’s all. And I didn’t feel too bad after - although you have to have someone there, can’t drive etc. I was in no pain after although my voice was a little husky. Great news on the all clear colonoscopy!
What’s the banana throat spray? Numbing spray? Tomorrow is my endoscopy. I’m ready to get it over with.
Yes - I gagged a lot when they spray it as it hits your throat. But it’s ok - good luck with the endoscopy, less than a day and it will all be done!
Hi Jetblack87, I had my endoscopy on Tuesday, its a numbing spray. Its fine. The endoscopy itself is a little uncomfortable but worth it and the nurses are lovely and talk you through each step. Mine was all clear, which is great, however it doesn't help solve my issues. Hope yours goes well, good luck. x
I found the prep OK, jusy give in to it and as others have said, be near a loo for the periods of time it's flushing through. I didn't like the colonoscopy, found it uncomfortable, but the nurses are amazing, gas & air helps and it is over soon enough; with the results that allow you to move forward. Best of luck 👍
I found the prep to be quite cleansing, just do what they say and stay near the loo. I also bought some lemonade lollies which were nice and different to the prep / water. Vaseline - apply before it starts and every time after! Good luck