My bowel says good morning by producing loud thunderous farts, you might think World War III is starting from my room 😄 How do you all feel in the morning?
Morning symptoms : My bowel says good morning by... - IBS Network
Morning symptoms

The same ..bloated ..apart form that ok......I think .
A box of fluffy ducks first up in the morning. Then it is all down hill from there after the first cuppa for the day. Ah, such is IBS, as hard as it is there isn't an alternative other than starving and that causes me a major problem. Kidney failure, again and death for me.While I summon up the courage to starve I just keep on going, literally and figuratively. Always concerned that the next world war 3 may necessitate a change of attire!
At least I can still have a laugh while waiting for my next bout on the porcelain thrown.
The morning is ok fart-wise. As the day progresses it becomes more like WW III and by the evening I am glad to be alone!
Hi Paulol my bowels say good afternoon usually when I’m in a queue 🤣x