Hi guys, I’ve just joined and wanted to know how other people’s IBS effects them. I’ve had IBS all my life and it’s got worse the last few years to the point of going 10 times a day (on a good day) and I’m basically addicted to Imodium (Loperamide Hydrochloride) to help me go through the day. My IBS gives me agonising stomach cramps, worsens my anxiety, makes me bloated, gives me daily diarrhea, and honestly can worsen my depression some days due to the pain and how often I need to go to the toilet. I’m often absent from college due to the pain and how frequent I’m going to the toilet. Can you all please reply with your symptoms and how bad they get? Thanks.
My IBS: Hi guys, I’ve just joined and wanted to... - IBS Network

Hi there. I’ve had ibs for the past 8 years. The symtkms can vary although I would say the most predominant ones are nausea, uncomfortable stomach, loose bowels, anxiety and fatigue. They don’t tend to be too debilitating most of he time, but it does have a significant impact on my quality of life.
Hey - welcome! You are having a very rough time of it. I used to have IBS-D, but now I have IBS-C. When I had IBS-D, I certainly didn’t have to go as often as you do - that sounds really extreme. Have you had any tests done? Have you looked at your diet?
My symptoms now are pain, nausea, fatigue. IBS makes me extremely anxious. I’m soon to turn 44 and I’ve had it since I was 12. It’s a bit complicated because I also have Generalised Anxiety Disorder and depression 😬😬(lucky me). Even though I have constipation, I have to keep on top of it, otherwise I will have overflow diarrhoea. And on a “normal” day, when I need to go, I need to go NOW.
About 10 years ago, I gave up eating wheat products in any form, however, I’m not completely gluten free. I also stopped eating red meat and I’m careful not to have too much saturated fat. I have found all of that helped the diarrhoea. It turned out I also have three littl gallstones, so that was contributing to the diarrhoea and why I have cut back on saturated fats.
If you need any advice, you’re in the right place. It’s always helpful to know if you’ve seen a doctor etc, then folks here can know how to help xxx
I got diagnosed when I was 11, I got a dietician and changed up my diet but to no avail. I’ve tried cutting out different things and adding things in but I can’t find anything right for me. I’m having a really tough time at the moment as it just seems to be getting worse and worse even though nothing in my diet or my life is changing. I’ve tried a few medications prescribed by doctors but the couple I have tried have just upset my stomach more by making me bloated and giving me gas. Cheers.
With me IBS-D gets me the afternoon after lunch- spasms and trips to the loo once empty I can function again. But I do have to plan if I go anywhere new. I will add my IBS was confirmed after a Gastro preformed a colonoscopy.
Now back to you-IBS causes anxiety or anxiety triggers IBS? that is part of the problem coupled with your depression not a good place to be in so
Have you been clinically diagnosed as having IBS?
Do you take medication for your depression that may irritate the gut?
Have you read Professor Peter Whorwell's "Take control of your IBS"?
Hope I have given you food for thought. Good Luck
Hi, I got diagnosed when I was 11 but they didn’t tell me a type of IBS I have, just that I had IBS (after tests for bowel cancer and things like that). My IBS worsens my anxiety which in turn worsens my IBS so its a vicious circle at the moment. I only take medication for my IBS which is Loperamide and I got a medication (can’t remember the name from the top of my head) but it just made my bloating worse.
Oh I’m so sorry. It’s just a horrible, horrible thing to live with. You are indeed having a very hard time. I feel you need more help. I’m in Scotland - are you in the UK too? You need to really stamp your feet and get a referral via your GP back to the gastroenterologist. You can’t go on like this. And I totally understand the awful anxiety. My experience with NHS here is that I’ve had to fight and fight to get more than a useless prescription for Loperamide and a pat on the head. I see you’re going to call for an appointment - keep me posted. Thinking of you x
Oh and also - if your GP doesn’t want to refer you, see another GP at your practice. I’m concerned that you may have colitis or diverticulitis. You may have a bacterial overgrowth and no amount of loperamide is going to help that. Prescribing loperamide is also such an archaic practice, i just can’t believe you’ve been left to deal with it like this. Sorry, I’m on a rant now!! I am positive there is more they could be doing for you. Absolutely play up how badly it’s affecting your daily life and your quality of life. X
Tell your doctor to give you a prescription for either Welchol or Colestipol. Both of these drugs stop diarrhea in it's ugly tracks. I had chronic diarrhea for years and couldn't leave my house in the morning at all. Because of Colestipol, I now have my life back. I take Colestipol because in the US it is less expensive, although certainly not cheap. Good luck...keep up posted!
Do you know if they prescribe this in the UK? I’ve had some medications but they just made it worse.
I would think so, BigSpaceman, but I don't know that for sure. I guess you'll have to call your doctor's office or the pharmacy you use and ask them. Hopefully, you can get it, because it is a life saver!