Is this a minor setback or am I back to square one? I went seventeen months with no attacks of urgent faecal incontinence. Then last evening I left my drumming class in the best of spirits. After five minutes of walking to my car I started to get unpleasant niggling abdominal pain. I drove home slightly worried. I had to use the stairs up to my flat as I dare not chance voiding in the lift. I got indoors but all hell broke loose just ten inches from the toilet. I didn’t even have time to unzip my jeans. I was doing so well. I have lost my appetite. I could cope with an episode once a year but it’s the not knowing that destroys my brain. At the drumming class they don’t want us to use their toilet and they lock us in as the shop is closed after six pm. So it’s back to all day fasting and only one meal after eight pm. I will recover but the thought of eating food freaks me out. Con amore Bx
Is this a minor setback?: Is this a minor... - IBS Network
Is this a minor setback?
So sorry to hear this. It must be so disheartening for you. Mine is everyday so you just expect it, but it must be hard when you go a while feeling fine and then it comes back with a vengeance! None of it makes any sense does it! I hope you feel better soon!
Thanks Maureen. I feel physically better but really tormented. I have just read that even non ibs sufferers can expect a bowel disturbance every now and again. So maybe it was just a blip. Con amore Bx.
More than likely it's just a blip as everyone gets diarrhea now and again and accidents aren't the end of the world but they're not very nice at the time but as time goes on you can laugh about them afterwards!
Thanks for your support C. I wish I could laugh but I only want to shed tears at the moment. Must reset the clock and go forward with verve and aplomb. Con amore Bx
It may just be a blip as I have been trouble free re bowels for 6 months with just 1 terribly urgent episode . Before that for a few years I didnt know whether to go out or not!
I know how you feel I’ve been fine since I cut out gluten last September then 2 urgent episodes in a week racking my brains to think if I’ve eaten something different hopefully not too often.
Sorry to hear that Batteria. Has anything changed in the last couple of days in terms of what you have eaten or stress for instance?
Nothing that springs to mind except I took some charcoal tablets for excess flatulence. I have only eaten complan since the attack and this has reduced the output by about 75%. But I can’t stay on this forever. My daughter says have complan for elevenses and a normal meal in the evening. I might try this. I had no stress this week only the bowel disturbance itself. Thanks for the reply. Con amore Bx
If I have diarrhea and need to give my bowels a rest I eat white jasmine rice until it settles. I always have some in the cupboard in case. It gets digested in the small intestine with no residue for the large intestine so should stop things.
I found this about charcoal:
Here are the risks of consuming activated charcoal: It can prevent your body from digesting food and absorbing nutrients. It can make medications and supplements less effective. Side effects can include diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and blockage of the digestive tract.
Thank you so much for this. The charcoal may have been the trigger. You say you eat white jasmine rice. How? Just plain or as risotto? Is it better hot or cold? Thanks again. Bx
Just boiled as per instructions. Normally boiled with 2.5 times water to the volume of dry rice, turn down to minimum heat once starts boiling and keep the lid on. The water should all be absorbed during the cooking process. It is better hot definitely. If you cool rice is becomes resistant starch, which might give you gas, though resistant starch is good for your gut bugs.